Thursday, September 29, 2022

Blog - September Overview

Hi Blog,

September already! I wondered what kind of new thing I can do for now?

Finding new things to explore is so exciting but yet... It is limited... On this little red dot.
Well, I can't say I have a lot to offer to my readers and including myself... I will re-walk my past journey again and take it like a new journey.

1st Sep 2022 - Do you know what is this date? Yes! It is a teachers' day celebration! To think back... Do I still remember my own teacher? Kind of nope... I barely remember their names and didn't get a chance to go back. Even though I wish to connect with some of them but I don't have such a chance; unlike nowadays kids can add their teachers on social media so they can still connect with one another. Now looking at these gifts... These were gifts from my colleagues than students. I missed teaching the kids. Oh well, since it was teachers' day, we will be having a celebration and am I looking good in this attire? Too bad, I am not tall to complement this attire but at least, I tried.

2nd Sep 2022 - Yup! I got myself a black trunk so am I okay in a black trunk? You see... With my fat body type... Black just looks meh. I know I can't carry white that well too... Perhaps this black won't be eyes catchy among the swimmers here... I shall let the demi gods shine here.

3rd Sep 2022 - New Bunker Discover
(Click here to read more)

4th Sep 2022 - Today, I did quite a few things like swimming with my swimming buddy in the morning and taking my waifu out for cycling even when it was raining. And also decided to buy a pair of good slippers for myself as most of the slippers are either too painful to wear for more than five minutes or they break quite easily.

5th Sep 2022 - Finally Quiet Island Trip
(Click here to read more)

7th Sep 2022 - Trisuit Theme #68
(Click here to read more)

8th Sep 2022 - These few days it was rainy days and today was a sunny day; so I can't find any excuse not to go for a jog.

9th Sep 2022 - Today was my first attend an Indian Wedding ceremony. I thought to myself, I was overdressed but if I looked good, why not? Hahaha. Great to bump into my ex-colleagues so that I won't feel lonely and lost here. Happy wedding D. Glad to see your beautiful moment and hope you will be happy ever.

10th Sep 2022 - Trying to travel away from the house because someone just wanted to behave toxically... Lucky JH asked me out to make it possible... I just needed some air out...

12th Sep 2022 - Managed to get the raw files of the Teachers' Day Photo Booth. Many memories build with the colleagues I have currently as compared to the past when I was the one busy snapping pictures for others and not many people will ask me to join in their photos.

13th Sep 2022 - Today I went for my blood test for blood pressure... I think I know what the cause of my high blood pressure is... It is when others don't bother how I feel and toxifying their own views to gaslight mine, which I find myself suffocating to even breathe, to believe that I am worthy enough to live like a human... In other words, it is a psychological cause... As I am just trying my best to protect my almost diminished light to be able to look at myself...

13th Sep 2022 - Oh well... I am no doctor... I will not know what will be the main cause but it could be any unknown reason. But I will continue doing what I like and hang out. Thanks, M for listening to me and at least you understand.

14th Sep 2022 - Thanks D for inviting me to the MHW meet-up. Even we were just game friends and now got a chance to catch up face-to-face.

15th Sep 2022 - Suddenly... I got triggered by a user's comments on my social media... Triggered because I was wondering why other people reacted to me differently... and even ghosted me in the past... yes, many people will tell me to let go but they forgot something... I was left alone in the abyss, trying to stand up and faced everyone as if I was not affected by it... it was like most people just stopped caring because I am disgusting and hateful... So based on his/her comments... that is how much hatred I received from them... it was like someone spreading wrongful information about me.... Worst of all.... my inner voice was just too toxic... So I posted on my social media just to hope that I am not the person as what he/she said... and also apologised to whoever is reading it... anyway no matter how I reacted to this... is wrong... No matter what I am thankful that many of my friends tried their best to save me from sinking further. I decided to have a space to have a positive space for myself here.

16th Sep 2022 - Packed with some positiveness and grew some fat in me... Just suck my thumb and move on. No one bothers to care about this disgusting person, not demi god, not good-looking or worthy. I am just I am.

16th Sep 2022 - After a good swim, I rushed down to meet up with my cousins at my cousin's place where they brought their loved ones to know one another. Seriously... I have nothing to offer... can't engage in any conversation like topic about how they met up, what house to get, how much they spent on a car, how they plan to get married... I only sat there and experienced the use of Netflix... I guessed I am so broken... But thanks to one of my cousins, ZF, to keep me entertained.

17th Sep 2022 - Abandoned Cage
(Click here to read more)

19th Sep 2022 - New Captain Helmet
(Click here to read more)

21st Sep 2022 - Trisuit Theme #69
(Click here to read more)

23rd Sep 2022 - I started to take the medicine for my high blood pressure... So far... slight dizziness but I still can manage. I know I will be taking medicine for life... Hope it won't get worse. Trying to stay positive.

24th Sep 2022 - Besides my high blood issue... I will have an interview which I needed to prepare... It will be my first permanent job opportunity... I hope I can get it... My mind just can't settle down... hence I have zero moods to take pictures for my short hike.

25th Sep 2022 - You may wonder what you are looking at? Or... I have high expectations from my readers if any. This picture was one of many attempted shots to snap the planet, Mars. How I wish I had a telescope... it is expensive equipment I should not try.

26th Sep 2022 - Trisuit Theme #70
(Click here to read more)

28th Sep 2022 - Besides having high blood issues... Tomorrow I will have an interview with HQ for a permanent establishment... I felt extremely stressed... I feel like being tangled up and restrained by my own expectation and not many people will provide their listening ears than provide their talking mouths, but I appreciate everyone who attempts to help to untie me from being tangled.

29th Sep 2022 - Slowly and eventually, I will face the moment when I need to free myself from tangled... One of them was my permanent establishment for my job. After two weeks of preparation and motivation from my principals, HOD and colleagues, today was the day when I needed to face those interviewees and be confident. Thanks, Heaven that it was on Zoom where I was allowed to have my job scope cheat sheet by my side if I forgot one or two points. I won't say I nailed the interview but at least, I did somehow well. Results will tell. At Least, one big restraint which I managed to release myself.

Finally... Went through September... what a month!



  1. I read your last blog post with concern. BP dat serious hah? While taking pills, you can receive reflexology as well. As condition improves, you can ask doc to reduce dosage. I do not believe you have to take pills for life. We talk on WhatsApp or Line, ok??


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