Sunday, July 31, 2022

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

These few months I had been reflecting upon myself... especially my own emotional thorns which stuck with me for years... I want to remove it as much as I desired. (might not be as easy as someone/body said) But I must say... I see the pattern already and am able to identify the trigger points; honestly... I am really happy to be able to see myself.

Just like watching back an old movie; as we age, we will learn something new that we missed out on previously and now we have the wisdom/intelligence to tune toward the subtle information. And that is improvement in us.
If we can't learn anything new, usually due to we are still stuck in our old mindset or we can learn to drop it (no more value) and move on to something new. I will like to learn and move on. Anyway, here is my July overview, hope I won't bore you further.

Hiking - Revisit Fort Serapong and Connaught Exploration

Hi Blog,

I thought of going back home after my first visit but since I was there and it was an easy exploration, I decided to revisit one place to cover one area which I missed out on previously. (link)

Walking past this famous roundabout, Mr. Sun started to warm up the whole island.
I was thinking through... What should I do for my future revisit of places... Will I need to do the same thing? Hoping for inspiration...

Trip - Forgotten Sijori Wondergolf

Hi Blog,

Oh my, the Seventh month just started so no more visits to dark, abandoned places... besides, there are not many places to explore either... but! I found out there are some more!

The weather seemed great!
As for the title, today I shall explore this mini golf course - Sijori Wondergolf at Sentosa.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Trip - Lorong Terigu

Hi Blog,

The next day in the morning... Yes, I was still on leave. Do I waste it on sleeping? I will procrastinate if I just let go... Anyway, I pushed myself to wake up as usual...

I looked at the sky and knew Mr Sun was waiting for me.
Where shall we go this time? Mr Sun suggested "Lorong Terigu", a pin which I made on the map a long time ago and yet explored.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Trip - To Desaru

Hi Blog,

Oh yes! Finally came to the day when I could travel again, with JH's help. This time where were we going? Yes, the title stated, Desaru!
I took Friday leave and travelled across the border around noon to avoid the strawberry jam but still not as smooth as predicted and it was bearable.
Love to tag along on a trip that someone knows well, so I can feel safe and confident. Really can't tag along with unplanned trips. Especially I am not the driver so I just keep quiet and document my trip.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Hiking - Finding Big Banyan Tree

Hi Blog,

You know it's a long weekend so I decided to explore a place which I saw on fb - Big Banyan Tree. Even Google Map shows such place!

JH told me that he wanted to go for a hike so I thought it will he a great opportunity to explore together
Based on this blog post, I went to that area twice because...

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Trip - Abandoned Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel

Hi Blog,

You know what! It was a long weekend until Monday! Today I decided to explore one place. I didn't carry many hopes because I don't know what to expect like whether it is still accessible easily or safely... Oh well, I just gave it a try!

Today's weather was telling me to go!
I guess why not. It will be my one-time trip and I hope it will fill up your curiosity about what that place looked like.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Trip - Batu Berlayar AMTB Battery

Hi Blog,

I saw Mr L's posts on a place and I didn't know there is such a place and decided to visit. Today will be a long day for me as there was a morning event at my workplace, so instead, I returned home to rest, why not I clear it at noon when no one will hike by then!

Just ready and wore the typical attire over my trisuit
Yawning... hope today won't disappoint me. Let's go!