Monday, July 11, 2022

Hiking - Finding Big Banyan Tree

Hi Blog,

You know it's a long weekend so I decided to explore a place which I saw on fb - Big Banyan Tree. Even Google Map shows such place!

JH told me that he wanted to go for a hike so I thought it will he a great opportunity to explore together
Based on this blog post, I went to that area twice because...
After yesterday visit, I tried to let my thoughts settled down hence I picked an easy trek today
Besides white suit, red trisuit also rare
Got down early to meet up JH and had a few snaps...
...before he arrived. He seemed stressed up with his work and he was tired to go for a tough hike/exploration...
So I just postponed my exploration to the next day
And brought him to somewhere he has not been before
Here is the legendary Air Raid Shelter and thanks JH for helping on the photos
Pitch dark here but JH doesn't dare to step in which I can understand too, it is dark here
I didn't tell him about the steep slope here especially during the time when he felt tired but it was just a way to push his limit
This place was still the same as previous, nothing was changed except...
The crowd was slightly reduced
New path and plants replaced this area. Previously, I would have to bush through this area.
(credit JH) Red contrasts the greenery
Finally, we arrived to Keppel Reservoir. Now it was quite easy for me to get here; unlike last time, I thought it will be difficult
Love this side of the reservoir, because this tree is root-bonded.
Ready to go for a swim?
I rather snap pictures
The famous keppel stairs
(Credit JH) Used it to pose like superhero or fat man or noob
(Credit JH) Standing high up looking far is the shortie's wish
(Credit JH) if not, just sit down will do.
it seemed like we were here too long and JH already tired... I wanted to push him a bit
We tried to climb up hill to find this and pay this a visit
(Credit JH) At least must cover this one.
(Credit JH) or snap a swing here?
Anway we just had a short hike and I wanted to show JH a picture of this place... but I can't find it anywhere in my blog... sad. Now this place was demolished.
But lucky we ended the hike early because heavy rain started to pour! I guess... It also meant my idea of having a second trip was inevitable.
Next day morning... Tried mind... but I just had to push myself
Good weather today for my main exploration
Don't know why I just hate the mask...
I will prefer to not wear a mask when I am out.
Maybe the mask was not good quality... As I hate the sharp corner keep on poking my face
Okay! I digressed. As titled, I was looking for the big Banyan Tree
Which located somewhere near here
I had never stepped my foot here at all
Today will be my first foot into this path.
Oooo! There is an entrance here
But here got one banyan tree and it is amazing to see its roots are left hanging, one day it may become another big one
Oooo, behind this banyan tree, there is a ruin
The ruin is a  metal fetch and now consume by banyan tree
I noticed there is a path around this area and I will revisit next time to explore every path
OOO! Another abandoned thing was found!
It is an abandoned motorbike
Here was a quiet trail, I had not met anyone walking here
Hope it was an easy trail
A small bridge here. I wondered what was this place for... it is not a park or anything
As it seemed like this place was meant for something...
Easy trail so far...
...and I love it already.
Hmmm.... a cross junction...
hmmm... Left? Middle? Right?
I guess I will take the middle path
See this? A pipe out of nowhere.
Looked like this pipe was well preserved
As I walked at a high ground, it seemed like I am quite near the legendary Banyan Tree
There are many spikey plants around, so we need to be careful
One plant caught my attention, there are yellow fruits here... Anyone knows what is this?
Another big thing found! I found a big feather here. I wanted to bring this back but... I noticed there were many small ticks/fleas climbing on the feather... so SKIP!
Look at this! This is MASSIVE!
Look at its red-rooted structure.
Hmmm... Something beneath this thick leaf litter
Here looked like a Banyan forest... and great to see such massive system
If this tree is alive... its root will make things difficult
It trapped me
I can't remember where I am...
I lost my way...
After a while I woke up from my wild imagination
This Big Banyan Tree is just amazing and you need to see it yourself
It was a perfect place for unique scenery
For me...
let's transform!
To SpideryNerd!
The Banyan Tree is alive!
Time to find the spirit of the tree!
I had to get free from its illusion and restraint
Now sinking deeper and I can hear it is near...
Last layer of its tough roots...
And I was set free... but where is the main spirit of this tree?
it seemed like it is not trying to hurt me but protect itself from the intruders and I am the threat.
I guessed I won't press further and make some new friend with the tree.
Wave goodbye to the tree... Thank you for the good time together.
...and left this place. I tell myself that I will be back
This was a big banyan tree. if you want to try on a simple exploration, this one is worth the challenge. Thank you for the great time here.


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