Saturday, July 9, 2022

Trip - Abandoned Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel

Hi Blog,

You know what! It was a long weekend until Monday! Today I decided to explore one place. I didn't carry many hopes because I don't know what to expect like whether it is still accessible easily or safely... Oh well, I just gave it a try!

Today's weather was telling me to go!
I guess why not. It will be my one-time trip and I hope it will fill up your curiosity about what that place looked like.

Looking through the hint given by some urbex experts...
Hmm 🤔 honestly, I can't say that I know what's going on over there...
If there is a picture of the inside, meaning it might be accessible
Hope Mr Sun can protect me
Feeling sleepy... I rest the whole morning, I should be fine.
Arrived! Honestly, I had never been to this place before... Surrounded by the building of wealthy people.
Based on the map, here is the lane.
It was blocked and warning signs and surveillance cameras were everywhere but I just followed the hint and...
...Now I am here. The Legendary Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel! You can read more here.
May the spirits of this place pardon me for the visit. I hope to document this place before it was gone. And any reader, please don't try.
Besides the hint, it came with a warning - be aware of "eyes" 👀 so I had to enter the building immediately to get myself covered. And let's begin our journey, First thing I noticed was the graffiti... Standard graffiti artwork...
Right next to the room, looked like a washing bay...
An old TV set which I used before. To be honest, I didn't even know how I know how to use/set up the TV channel... Given the kids a working TV set, they will just say "give up"; because they have the choice to skip any challenges which make them look stupid. In fact, I will only admire those who want to try it and learn willingly; it will be a next-level sign of intelligence/wisdom/attitude. Oops sorry, I digressed. Haha
Back to the topic, this place looked like a washing area... 🤔 Kitchen maybe
Hopefully, I was alone here...
Lets move on to other areas
Looked like a traditional kitchen door design
But here had many discarded cupboards... Looked like a place for someone important
Looked like an office where you will only see such lighting for office use
A place where they had most of the backup keys
Let's explore the next level
Since it was a hostel so meaning there were many similar rooms
A room without a window... Not a good idea
Still remember I mentioned about the graffitis were quite standard previously? Yup this one was what I meant... I saw many penises graffitis on every wall. Can't they come out with something interesting? If I got a chance, I will want to draw something symmetrical and it will be my favourite.
Anyway, let's move on
Next place... Yup this was a workplace for a science lab or something. 🤔
Maybe they were making a brand "Louis Greneau"
Looking around for more clues of what was this place for
Just looked at the math equations! I can't figure out what are those.
Time to move up
Remembered the surveillance camera that I mentioned? Here it is. To be honest, I am not sure whether it is still working or not... But it looked rather new so perhaps it is working
So I just hid under the cover than stepped out (I wanted to take a look over there though)
Anyway, the next area of exploration within the compound
Next, I came to a foyer and oh my, here had the most intricate graffiti as compared to the dxxk I saw
Just check this one out. Just awesome.
I guess there will be more somewhere
As I walked up a stair...
Another foyer again and yes, what amazing graffiti artwork here. You can sense the skill and passion that the artist has here.
Posed with the graffiti - like Wakanda Forever!
You don't see such gate design anymore
Bird nest spotted here, just showed how long this place was abandoned
Standing at another side of the building, looking at at the main block where they housed the students
Along this hallway, there were many luxurious rooms
A standard one-room apartment, greeted by the wardrobe at the side.
Spacious room with a large window
And a bathtub. It was like a hotel room.
There was an abandoned house near by but don't know why... A strong sense of feeling told me do not go there at all...
Oh well, no answer for that, Then I shall proceed to the next floor
I was wondering why I feel that way... Is it because of a surveillance camera somewhere?
Hmm you don't ask me where was I now, I just looked around here and there
I can't figure out what were these rooms for
But this one was definitely for someone wealthier because it was carpeted which I don't see in any room
When there was carpeted floor, it made you feel important and privileged...
Only drawing of a branch of flowers made us feel good somehow
Looking out at the window...
...Trying to understand the days when it was active, must be a lot of laughter and fun, as everyone knew one another, as they left their country and stayed there to get themselves educated.
I guessed my strong feeling of not to cross over to that building, was due to this surveillance camera
I guess since it aimed another then I shall clear this building instead
Looking at the front gate and wondering where is everyone like a guard?
Personally, I just want a relaxing visit to a place which won't be around or typically visited.
Hence I love this place.
This building beside the hostel seemed like it belongs to someone who was not for students
It looked like it belongs to the owner of this land
It looked like these rooms were for the owner's relatives/kids
It looked rather clean without graffiti and roof
Perhaps I assumed that this owner stayed for a while ago and while leaving the hostel abandoned
Well, I was just assuming but it was very clean which had a lot of respect
Check out the root structure, it could be the root structure for those roofless rooms below
I wondered is there a surveillance camera inside too?
The funny thing was, outside no graffiti and inside there has graffiti...
It seemed chaotic here
But their graffitis seemed rather tame as compared to the hostel
Ooo my, the second floor had collapsed
Wooden structured floors won't last long
The condition was bad
Looked like a bomb just dropped here! Haha 😂
I wanted to explore further but somehow... I felt some resistance... So I don't advance further...
...back to the hostel
Then once I stepped into the hostel, I heard a loud crash from the previous building like something heavy collapsed. Thank goodness that "the good friend" stopped me from advancing; if not, I might be injured.
I shall proceed to explore other floors
Each room has a cupboard and most of them were run down. This one was a good idea of what they should look like.
Looking back at that building and sent my appreciation thought to them. Thank you for protecting me 🙏🏼
Speaking of graffiti, check this out! Isn't this awesome?
Another one, is just simply beautiful
The artwork is a pure masterpiece
I looked out and noticed there were pipes coming out from somewhere
Ah! I see... It looked like some people just threw it out for zero purposes... Hope no one grabs it to descend
This hostel looked like a school layout somehow
At some counters, there were some mini balconies
Some were mosquitoes' party zones
Ah! I found one graffiti which caught my attention. Thanks to the artist for making a fun graffiti
Last stop, last floor...
An open balcony might be a potential rooftop garden but I believe it was not meant to be.
Thanks to the "good friends" for bringing me around safely. I had a great time here. Good bye every "none"
A perfect video to showcase the whole place. Thank you to the youtuber who made this video.
Overall, this place was a legend and unknown to the locals. Take note that this place is restricted for a visit and best to avoid. I won't reveal how to get there and after documentation of this place, I won't return for sure. My purpose was to document and not to encourage a large crowd/frequency of visitors. The visit is forbidden.

I understand I sounded like hypocrisy. I went at my own risk and did not get anyone involved. I am here to document and recee, and hope my readers will keep it low and enjoy the visit. As mentioned before, my urbex trip will be a short one, as Singapore has nothing left to visit already so I just hope that I have covered it before it was gone.

Updated on 3rd Oct 2022
I saw one of the latest posts from the Elite group and photos were shared by Miss P.

It is official, this place was gone for good. Thanks for bringing memories to my life. Even though I wished to return there again but... I should be contented.


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