Friday, July 15, 2022

Trip - To Desaru

Hi Blog,

Oh yes! Finally came to the day when I could travel again, with JH's help. This time where were we going? Yes, the title stated, Desaru!
I took Friday leave and travelled across the border around noon to avoid the strawberry jam but still not as smooth as predicted and it was bearable.
Love to tag along on a trip that someone knows well, so I can feel safe and confident. Really can't tag along with unplanned trips. Especially I am not the driver so I just keep quiet and document my trip.

Thanks to JH for agreeing to bring me there.
After we had our dinner and purchased some items at JB, JH drove directly to our resort for an hour. Along the way, he sped up along the dark road, was scary...
When it lilted up, I felt safer.
Finally, we arrived at Bayu Balau Beach Resort!
According to JH, this was his first time here as he just wanted to try this place. Oh man, I hope it is good.
Simple reception counter where we registered and collected our room package - room keys, controllers, meal voucher and merchants discount coupon.
Hmm this place layout seemed like a typical resort
413 is our room. I noticed that there were guests around but rather quiet
A small and clean standard room layout.
But got a big mirror to look nerdy here
The night was still young so I suggested maybe we should explore the jetty nearby, and here we go!
One simple setup for a photo in the hallway - feeling like a local? 😀
Beside the jetty, there are seafood stores around here. Reading the reviews on Google map, quite a mixed review
Here is the legendary - Desaru Long Jetty
It was an experience to moon-tanning and embraced many stars sparkling in the sky. If they can just switch off the jetty spotlight to reduce the light pollution will be great but I understand they can't, as it will be dangerous for any boat sailing along here.
So for now, I just embraced what it can offer.
Surprisingly, the moon was quite bright and lilted the whole jetty
(Thanks JH) I don't have a shot of me looking at the moon and here I got! 🤔 Okay... It just looked meh when I am the subject.
Dark and the Light comparison
While JH was busy trying to capture the night sky
I just tried to snap whatever I can here.
Showcasing the quiet jetty and untoned dude here
Time to go back as we decided to capture a sun rise here.
Overall, Desura Long Jetty is a simple hangout jetty, perfect for friends who just want to have a good heart-to-heart session, as there is no visitor here
Mr Sun started to wake up...
It was a perfect moment to snap a few pictures of the resort and sun rise!
Is it a nice picture? 😂 What do you think?
And it happened to be a low tide! Based on the location, this beach is named as Pantai Tanjung Beach.
My mood felt so relieved... No more worries about my work and other stuff... Just to experience and soak in the beautiful scenery... It is the best.
Wow. Just amazing. The low tide can read out so far.
(Credit JH) I decided to get down here and look out for little critters. Guess what can I find here?
Filled with little fishes which trapped during the tide and many exposing seaweeds. They are different as compared to my previous beach trips. I love this more than the green ones.
Even this small rocky shore can have another view and appreciation; like this one, it looks like a rocky hill where there is a lake in the center.
Sometimes it can look like a mini water stream
The common sea anemone
And colourful and shy hermit crab
I thought I will see more of the sea cucumbers during the low tide but I spotted a few sea slugs
Mr Sun started to pop out!
Hello Mr Sun! Finally got to see your sleepy face 😂
This is the moment when Mr Sun is at the beautiful state.
I seldom see orange sky as it warmed up the scene and my soul
Speaking of warming my soul, just checked this one out. What you see, is a cluster of hermit crabs "hug" with one another.
Pantai Tanjung Beach - Overall, Clean and not ideal to swim there. Due to its rocky formation, the waves are slightly reduced as compared to other beaches. Sand wise... It is not fine as your ideal of a beach.
Beside the Long Jetty, there are a few unique architectures which fused with their local style (kampong style) but... the next one, I don't really understand well... The playground has no sand... where is the fun?
If you don't want to swim on the beach (not safe due to the rocky shore) you can swim here in the resort.
JH told me there is a beach which I might like since this one was not satisfied... He drove for more than 45mins... witnessed many roadkills along the way... I guess we are too close to nature here. Pray for those animals.
According to JH, this place is Jason's Bay Beach.
A cat sat there glomming itself and I guessed that I had disturbed its enjoyment of licking. 😂
The word spelled "Sedili Teluk Mahkota" missing an 'E'. Teluk Mahkota was a former name for Jason's Bay, and Sedili is an Eastern coastal region of Kota Tinggi district.
Wooow... there were not many people at Jason's Bay Beach
It is a rather plain and wide-stretch beach without any obstruction.
I have never visited such a vast beach before... But somehow I can't like it as much as I hoped for... I wonder why... But! I love its flatness!
Because I can become an ugly titan here!
(Credit JH) Insert "Bay watch" theme... The distorted version
(Credit JH) Lucky got a friend to help me to snap, if not, the beach goers around me will judge me even more
There are a lot of sand bubbler crabs on Jason's Bay Beach.
Do you spot some sand bubbler crabs in this picture?
This is the work of the sand bubbler crabs. These sand bubbles are clean and nicely presented on the sand.
Sometimes, the waves will flatten the surface and the crabs will reset the bubbles again. It might seem like the waves are giving them a lot of inconveniences but in fact, the waves carry nutrients toward the shore so that the crabs can feed on them.
Acceptable watercolour but I didn't swim in it... Because...
I forgot to bring my towel along and from my experience...
this seawater will stain my water trunk...
(Credit JH) And definitely not this brand - my favourite trunk. White will become yellowish and cannot wash it off somehow.
So I just laid down for suntan
Families started to visit this beach and I thought... we better leave this place as a lot of judgement as my friend was also felt uncomfortable. JH suggested that we go to another beach and I will like it.
After we checked out from the resort, just a short ride, we arrived at another beach and need to charge some entrance fee.
Ah! This is... the ideal beach I imagined Desaru should be!
It seemed like it was a jetty before
YES! MY FAVOURITE BEACH at Desaru! This place is named Desaru Beach.
Hmmm...It seemed like there is a river channel ecosystem from the wood to the beach
I suggested we should put our mat there where it was far away from the main crowd.
Glad that the main crowd was far from us
AWW! This is it! CLEAN CLEAR Water!
But... I don't have a towel with me and my wet butt will damage my friend's car... so I can only suntan or have my feet soaked in the water.
Beautiful, beautiful beach :3 So much love
VERY STRONG current though
(Credit JH) I wanted to summon the strong wave toward me for some epic photos but... just how weak the waves were. Hahaha
(Credit JH) But I remember I should not have my butt wet...
(Credit JH) So I just had JH help me for the last time and...
...focused on suntanning
Reach out for the sky. Nice sun!
Sadly... my untoned, non-muscular body only...
...made the beach hate me...
okay okay... I am not like my friend, J, muscular and loved by the beach and people... So I just had to get the hell away from the beach.
Even the dried tree kept me away from the beach...
Hey hey I got it! Alright, I should stay away from the beach.
The dried branches just held me back...
(Credit JH) stay away from the sand... Okay! I got your messages...
Anyway, my emotion was not sunny... emo somehow. Time to return home and we decided to wash up.
If you need some beach accessories, you know they have a lot of beach-related stuff to keep you entertain
Oh Mine! What do you need at the beach and hot weather? YES! COCONUT Milkshake! And it is affordable too! If I have another chance, I will buy two of these.
If you come to Desaru, remember to put Desaru Beach on your Must-go list. It is One of the most popular beaches at Desaru coastal line, clean sand, instagramable scenery, toilets accessible, food and a market. Worth visiting.
After visiting the beaches, we rushed back to Jb and had an amazing lunch at Roots Bistro (the food tastes heavenly, sorry no pic because too delicious and we were hungry) I only managed to snap this store because I loved the name, 失傳已久的味道 translated Long Lost Taste. Yup, just like all the meals we covered throughout the whole trip, a taste which we won't have in Singapore.
After lunch, we checked in KSL. I didn't take many photos of KSL because I just wanted to keep this as my Desaru experience. So... why was I taking a picture of the KSL swimming pool?
Because this was the moment where I got to go for a good decent swim in the water!
I wanted to snap some more pictures here but too many people staring at this weirdo.
So I just swam a while... I felt that I might have car sick hence I returned to my room
Since my friend went for a massage, I took this moment to snap a few of my shxtty photos (Just trying to love myself and believe I am alright) in the room before I took a power nap and dinner.
The next day at KSL, I woke up early morning... Missing the beautiful beaches
...and just went for an early swim in the cold water. Now there was no one staring at me!
I could just walk around like this in the lift and lobby. 😂 Don't need to see any disgusted expression from others but the reflection has almost come to its breaking point...
A sun halo was spotted before we returned to Singapore.
Overall, Desaru is an interesting place to visit to chill and relax. Don't carry too much expectation and just let your hair down. Embrace the sun and beauty of the beach. For those who have family, you can consider staying at the resort near the Desaru WaterPark, where you can access Desaru beach too. Go on a typical weekend, weekdays will be the best when lesser crowds.


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