Sunday, July 31, 2022

Blog - July Overview

Hi Blog,

These few months I had been reflecting upon myself... especially my own emotional thorns which stuck with me for years... I want to remove it as much as I desired. (might not be as easy as someone/body said) But I must say... I see the pattern already and am able to identify the trigger points; honestly... I am really happy to be able to see myself.

Just like watching back an old movie; as we age, we will learn something new that we missed out on previously and now we have the wisdom/intelligence to tune toward the subtle information. And that is improvement in us.
If we can't learn anything new, usually due to we are still stuck in our old mindset or we can learn to drop it (no more value) and move on to something new. I will like to learn and move on. Anyway, here is my July overview, hope I won't bore you further.

1st Jul 2022 - After skipping swimming for nearly a month, today's swim was such a refreshing one and swam for a few short laps even though I don't feel well that day... I need to maintain the routine. Time to bring a plant home to smooch my mood.

2nd Jul 2022 - Today was my workplace's Open House. A lot of parents and kids came to experience the event. They were impressed with how big the school is and the new studio also made a positive impression. There was one kid who didn't want to leave the place and wanted to try it himself. Too bad, I have not finished some minor stuff for the studio, hope he can wait for a few more years to be ready for the program.

2nd Jul 2022 - Batu Berlayar AMTB Battery
(Click here to read more)

3rd Jul 2022 - Weekend is my usual hiking time. and M wanted to hike so I brought her to the easy and short route - Pipeline Trail (from Marsiling to Mandai zoo side) and it turned out it is not easy for non-regular hikers too. Well, at least, she managed to clear it, visited an isolated nursery and dinner together with my mother and auntie.

4th Jul 2022 - Last month we celebrated June Babies' birthday and today we celebrated July's babies. Thanks for organising... Honestly... I really can't eat much...

7th Jul 2022 - Yesterday I wanted to jog but I just needed some rest and jogged today (nice sunset too) long time since I have not worn my white suit, which reveals more fat.

8th Jul 2022 - I had been a while and didn't wear white. I know fat people like me should stop wearing white. Oh well... I can't be bothered...

9th Jul 2022 - Abandoned Tanglin Hill B Hostel
(Click here to read more)

11th Jul 2022 - Finding Big Banyan Tree
(Click here to read more)

15th Jul 2022 - To Desaru
(Click here to read more)

18th Jul 2022 - Lorong Terigu
(Click here to read more)

22nd Jul 2022 - Honestly... I envy those who have a muscular body... because they are just loaded with confidence. It is like a price tag for such a body. Many people like them, worship them and want to be like them... I think back... Why do I envy them... because I noticed people tend to forgive their mistakes and find lesser of their faults/flaws... I don't have those since young when people just find my faults and remind me that I am just a mistake in this world... Oh well... It is over as it is my fate. I will just learn to accept and be positive about what I have now.

23rd Jul 2022 - I believe today was the day when I just kept on feasting... From lunch with my ex-classmate to dinner with my aunties. My tummy was bloated like crazy!

25th Jul 2022 - Happy Birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday! It was just a typical day but I appreciated that there are people wishing for me. To some extent, at this point, I learned to accept the fact that there are some people who used to be closed to me... no longer remember me already... But I still have them in my heart-space... oh well... I have to learn to "expect" less of others and more of myself; even though it hurts but I know it is for the best for myself now. Happy Birthday to me again!

29th Jul 2022 - Happy Birthday to N. Haha, I can't believe there are three Leos (including me) working together. No wonder, we have mutual respect toward one another. Thanks to my fellow colleagues.

29th Jul 2022 - These days... I can't eat a lot... Feeling bloated and fat... White trunk is a no-no for a Shortie and untoned me. Oh well... I just have to embrace and accept 'what' I am.

31st Jul 2022 - Forgotten Sijiro Wondergolf
(Click here to read more)

31st Jul 2022 - Revisit Fort Serapong and Connaught Exploration
(Click here to read more)

Long and filled with activities month



  1. first of all you are not fat at all!! and white suits you nicely with the fine contrast between the white lycra and your lightly tanned skin, plus the body contour accentuated by the suit, love it!

    1. Oh wow! I have reader from oversea?! Thanks Konigstiger for dropping comments. I appreciate that. What a description thank you so much 😊 so sorry i am in the spell of body image anxiety hence I think that way. Sadly... In my daily life, many people around will comment why am I so fat... So... I hope I can overcome those...

  2. don't let yourself down so easily by words that people throw at you, their opinion doesn't affect you and your life in anyway! Keep wearing what you like and blog your adventure for us!

    1. Thanks Konigstiger for your assurance. I will continue to blog and thanks for supporting me. :)

  3. Hope ya have a Dino-mite birthday with family! 🎉🎊🎂🍿🍭


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