Monday, May 30, 2022

Blog - May Update

Hi Blog,

May The May a blessing to my soul. I just wanted to calm down further... Recently, I got a bit negative and somehow numb inner.

Hope I will enhance and cultivate the Zen in me.
Sigh... I need to be watchful with myself. May the force be with me.

1st May 2022 - Finally the public swimming pool had opened up! No more booking and time restriction! But yet... The pool was divided into smaller potions and filled with children and the buffed ones occupying most of the pool. Kind of turn off... I guessed, it is just a chance to catch up with W, as to motivate him to work out.

2nd May 2022 - Forgotten Aqueduct
(Click here to read more)

4th May 2022 - Wow! This was my first time watching on the first day of its sneak preview for Dr Strange! I asked XY to bring his iron man helmet and let him try my spiderman mask as he likes it so much. Myself, I just be the less popular - Tronspidey

5th May 2022 - oh man! This was my first time to receive such award - Five Years Long Service Award! I had been working with two companies and had never received such award... One for eight years and another for five. 🤔 To be fair, usually companies do not give five years, it was only recent to encourage staff for servicing five years. Anyway, fifth day of the fifth month to celebrate my fifth year in working. What a day.

7th May 2022 - Kay Siang Bunker
(Click here to read more)

7th May 2022 - Still remember that day when I had a wet butt after playing badminton? Today I decided to try trisuit and yes, many people just stared at me... I know I don't have the perfect godly body to be worshipped than being a weirdo. At least, I won't feel the heat trapped within my body as I sweated.

8th May 2022 - Haha! Thanks M for inviting me to cosplay for her niece's birthday and celebrating Mother's Day. The funny thing was that her elderly doesn't understand why I dressed up for. LOL! Well. at least, it gave me a chance to utilise my costume. I felt great in it and earned a small token of $50 for dressing up.

8th May 2022 - Since it was Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to my mother and my Auntie H - Happy Birthday to her.

10th May 2022 - Trisuit Theme #63
(Click here to read more)

11th May 2022 - Today I decided to go for a quick swim before going to a meeting later. Sigh... I am so fat... lousy genes which I carry...

12th May 2022 - Today evening weather was so good and I managed to reach home slightly earlier for a good jog... but I was so tired... I just wanted to rest... I was so so so tired...

13th May 2022 - Back to swimming today, swam twice this week. Tata, black trunk. It might become my only trunk when I aged. Or who knows... my fat might outgrow the trunk.

15th May 2022 - Today got to meet B for a simple MacRitchie hike. It was great to catch up with someone who I don't need to explain much as B already knows many things happening in my life through my blog. Hope B had a good time and prepared for the worst outcome of got ghosted as usual. Thanks for helping on snapping some photos.

18th May 2022 - Yesterday, I supposed to jog especially the weather was so good but I procrastinated and decided to just take a nap... Too tired. Even though today the feeling of procrastination was still strong but I still pulled myself to go for a jog. Thanks goodness I did it.

20th May 2022 - Another simple catch-up session with Dr L again. Too bad, we were supposed to go for a JB trip but G's passport was about to expire. We will go and have dinner again.

21st May 2022 - Finally it was a Saturday. Let's accompany my ex-colleague for a simple hike around Upper and Lower Pierce. Nice weather today and a perfect day to send off (throw) the rusting tripod, thank you for serving me, tripod. Hmm... after waiting for nearly 45 mins of a non-responsive message and waiting at the meeting place... I decided to return home instead of going for a hike myself, to catch some rest... I could not believe that I slept until 7pm!!!

21st May 2022 - After a lazy rest, that night was another badminton session. YES! My ugly and uncommon attire drew a lot of mockings and attentions from other professional badminton players. But I can't be bothered. I am awful and I know it. But one thing which caught my attention... My right arm felt a bit different... the tennis-ellow returned... Might need to play with my left arm again.

22nd May 2022 - It had been a while since I took my waifu out. The last check in was during March. My apology for not riding with you often and my stamina can't carry me too far, but glad you are sticking around with me.

23rd May 2022 - First time I noticed in the morning, the three brightest stars before the dawn. How I wish I can take a better picture than this or have all of them sticked closer together.

24th May 2022 - Trisuit Theme #64
(Click here to read more)

26th May 2022 - Today the sky was so beautiful in the afternoon and evening. I was procrastinating but my mother told me to go for a jog, and I forced myself to. Slow but at least something, if not, I will miss another day of opportunity.

27th May 2022 - Today was the last day of school and school break started. I will be cycling to my workplace so won't be swimming for now. Fat man like me, the swimming pool won't miss me.

28th May 2022 - Revisit Places @ Sembawang
(Click here to view more)

30th May 2022 - I thought that I had a last swim but today was an impromptu meeting to attend so... Yes! Let's go for a swim again and marked it as the last swim for this fat man for May 2022.

Hope I can overcome my procrastination...


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