Saturday, May 7, 2022

Hiking - Kay Siang Bunker

Good Morning Blog,

I thought that I had cleared the most accessible bunker until Mr L suggested Kay Siang Bunker.

Did some research about it before going
It was built around 1940, it was served as an ammunition storage space for the British. After World War 2, it seemed like they didn't return and left abandoned; until someone discovered it again.
Hmm, it seemed like good weather so means no muddy ground...
I guessed that I would be hiking with a group of people so... No more trisuit entirely.
To top it off... Heavy rain spotted! Noooooo! But Mr L and the group were not aware of it because they were already travelling to the meeting place.
A few stops before our meeting station, the rain finally stopped. But... Pity my shoes later...
Today will be a big group led by Mr L
With mask and without, it was a group of retirees and I managed to convince G to join our hike today. Hope she will enjoy it as it is her first time doing urbex.
Everyone got ready by applying the mosquitoes spray and repellent, and I just stood there receiving their sprays and blessing
Hmm based on experience, I believe this should be the entrance.
It seemed like it will be a short hike.
The ladies need some help to climb up and I just stood aside snapping pictures
It seems like the red ribbon saves the day
From what I see, this should be an easy hike.
As usual, I will be behind everyone to ensure no one is left behind.
It should be no problem for me
Shortly, we arrived to our first bunker. Can you find it from the photo?
Lucky the ground was not muddy, hence going down on muddy slope will be hectic and dangerous
OOO! The nice and beautiful bunker as compared to those which I had seen so far
The nature and construction that fused together... are so beautiful.
Loving it. Do you?
Group picture time!
This bunker was abandoned for quite a long time. The vine got so thick here.
Even though my imagination started to kick but best to pose and exit this place asap
(Thanks to the uncle) TATA! Rare sight! You see! Here is where my camera and I captured in the picture.
Just check out this vast network of its root! Just amazing! 😲
There are a lot of ants here!
Better exit before the ants started to take over my legs.
A perfect window shot here and love the window 😍
Compared to the Tree Shrine, this one is rather well-formed.
Next bunker :)
Still remember that I said the bunker (in the beginning) is beautiful but this one is different
This bunker looks solid and well preserved
Like a Tomb of the past and no crack was found exteriorly
Purpose of narrow door and only entrance are to prevent any intruders. Even the side holes can use to eliminate any close by enemies from within.
I placed my camera here and become a photo booth session. Haha 😂 now left me so that here can be quieter.
Hmm 🤔 I wonder what is inside...
Pitch dark and flooded. RUN! 🏃🏽 It is a mosquitoes party bunker!
Because I was a sweeper for the group, many mosquitoes started to attach to me... If I stood at a spot will only allow mosquitoes to dine in.
Let's get myself moving
Wow large log resting here. It seemed like the government decided to let nature take over until some wealthy people buying the land for development.
Why not just give the land? 😂
(thanks G) As I wondered around, my colleague, G, snapped a pic of me. The kind of photograph which I always want but I am no super model besides being a super nerd, so treasure whatever outcome
Group photo again and everyone is safe. 😊👍🏼
Maybe I will revisit this place again when it is drier
(thanks to one of the ladies) Funny when the ladies just addressed me as Captain Singapore. Too bad, I am not the great representative for Singapore - no look, physique and intelligent.
The last bunker can only be reached by going down this extreme slope. The gentlemen were assisting the ladies to go down the slope and I just stood there staring and feeding the mosquitoes.
Hmm... This is the third bunker. I wondered how it looks like
After got down from the steep slope, a tall wall stood in front of me... Hmmm What is this...
Oooo! There are windows here. This place might be a storage place.
If based on my army experience, this might be the ammunition distribution place.
Because I don't find any other window from outside beside the side.
It looks intact
Besides the collapsed roof...
Narrow door to prevent quick entrance by the intruders
Also have two layers of entrance for extra security
Similar to the first bunker, this has a tall ceiling for cool air
It is quite a big room though...
My imagination started to kick in but need to control
Poor plushie...
Let's move to the next room
Vine plants seemed alive here in another room
Hmm... Can't really have the time to inspect this
I realised... our hike was about to end...
Last assistance for safe exit
Everyone is safe and the ladies were very thankful to have men around during this hike
(Thanks to the ladies) They felt thankful to us, but I didn't do much besides becoming a sweeper which had no impact on the hike.
Check out the aftermath of intruding the mosquitoes' partyhouse
Overall, Kay Siang Bunker will be the perfect beginner urbex hike, but just take note of its steep slopes. I will visit this place again. :)


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