Monday, May 2, 2022

Hiking - Forgotten Aqueduct

Hi Blog,

I thought I had covered most locations of Bukit Brown but then realized there are some more!

On 30/4/2022, I decided to give it a try since it seemed close to one another. My unhealthy obsession of completion or wanting a completed set kicked in.
So what I saw online, near Bukit Brown, there is this ruin covered by roots and the structure still intact. I don't know how to go there... Besides knowing it is located along Adam Drive.
A repeated trisuit theme #32 showing once fat, will always be fat... Have to breathe in to fake it.
Long time I have never worn my white suit out for a hike...
... As in, I don't want to stain my white suit that much...
Today's weather seemed not very promising... Please, is Miss Sky still angry with me? Missed that muscular buff Jam? Hope you will forgive me.
Meanwhile, I took this time to reply Jon's email since it would be a long walk.
Oh man... Yesterday night rained so meaning,,, the ground will be wet...
Hi, Bukit brown. I don't know how many times I had been walking this path already.
I checked my blog posts for Bukit Brown... My first visit was on 24th July 2021 (link) and this trip will be counted as my 9th visit.
Now Bukit Brown had completed their renovation; no more metal walls to block the sight.I will visit the whole area again.
Now the festive of Qing Ming was over, the road returned to its tranquillity.
On my way to Adam Road, I saw this thing, I tried to pull myself but I can't.
This reminds me of the Tree Shrine I found recently (link) what an amazing plant.
Reaching Adam Road then realised something...
I was at the wrong place... Oh dear...I have to return to my path again.
Wasted my time but in fact, I was not. I know there are some more places to visit at Adam Park which I will return to next time.
At the distance, that green patch of the forest has something hidden inside.
This was my first time landing my foot here
Ooo there is a lot of my first time, even this simple road, I don't ever know its existence
Nice to explore a new place, as I don't know what to expect here, but my objective is to find the hidden structure which left in the past
Ooo an entrance spotted.
It should be the entrance, right? Honestly, I am not sure.
A wide opening... I wondered is there a name of this place... I don't think I will be able to get its name unless someone gave a bit of hint.
Ooo, a fallen tree which carried many vine plants and now the plants need to stand on its own.
There is a platform here... I wondered what is this for...
Based the density of these plants, it should be more than ten years
Hmm... I saw something there. Did you see it?
Oh! It is a toilet.
Here got many vine plants
This platform seems like there was a big house before
This area is kind of flat and even, looks like a yard.
I guess this pin is to locate the platform
OOO! Found one structure of 1971, at least something to document.
Most structures are well hidden like this, hidden from normal sight
I failed to find the place again...
And returned with a lot of ants biting my legs
It got late as I needed to rush on for other errands...
I travelled to collect an item from a seller... and my phone was drying too... So I decided...
To do it again on 2nd May 2022
Wearing blue will be better than white, as white is easily stained by mud which I don't wish to.
First, I would meet up with XY for a hike at MacRitchie. Long time never hike with him already... nice to catch up.
MacRichie Nature Park was so crowded... Barely have enough social distancing.
(Thanks XY) While walking this path, finally got a moment of silence.
(Thanks XY) I didn't take many pictures at MacRichie... because I was with friend.
It was best to spend time to chat than me taking pictures the whole time... besides...
After meeting with XY, I continued my search previously.
I believe I will find it today.
Positive feeling was strong after yesterday one of the urbex experts gave me some clue
I will find it!
HELLO! ADAM @ Adam Drive.
The fat nerd is back!
The hint was opposite no 3. house.
hmm... it seems like there is a path
Hmmm... I was right
I can't believe it was so EASY!
What an amazing structure
Just check out how is nature taking over
If we speed up the time for the plants, it will become a horrible monster
let's get back to Aqueduct
Aqueducts are structures used to conduct a water stream across a hollow or valley, or it is a system supporting structures used to transport water from its source to its main distribution point.
Despite Singapore in the past being rudimentary, the reservoir had an aqueduct that carried water to a plaster-lined tank sited at the edge of the Singapore River. (source from iblioasia)
This aqueduct was built to transport water to Singapore along the causeway since the first agreement was reached in 1927, when both sides were still under British rule. (source from asia.nikkei)
I wondered where does this come from and where does it send to...
I don't have an answer. Some people said when there is a will, you will. I guess I will park this question aside and have that in mind whenever I got to read about it.
My only basic understanding will be, this aqueduct was used to transport water from Malaysia and the remaining of this aqueduct was destroyed for other purposes.
Ebough of the day... I thought of visiting somewhere...
Back to Bukit Brown Cemetery, I wanted to visit that Old Mata House (link)...
... But I was wondering, should I... 
After I had reached somewhere near, the strong feeling of telling me to go back, was strong hence I didn't proceed...
... And I had to thank that feeling because I had a noon meeting which I thought it will be at the evening. If I went to that House, I will confirm missed that whole meeting because need time to walk out and back to the civilization.
Overall, it was just a short and meh hike, which was about this lost weirdo trying to find this aqueduct. Haha. Personally, I feel that I have a better idea of how Singapore was in the past.


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