Saturday, May 28, 2022

Hiking - Revisit Places @ Sembawang

Good morning Blog,

These days I had been procrastinating and yes if you asked what was I procrastinating about... I was just too lazy and tired... Or to reflect... Just lacked motivation... I could think of all kinds of reasons... I also believed that I was ruminating about my thoughts which many of my friends will WANT me to accept. Not that I don't but perhaps I just need someone to understand me. Oh, never mind... No one wants to understand this shxt... skip!

But I know I am allowed to take a break from it
Lucky today, my ex-colleague, Mao, is keen to go on the exploration with me. He wants to visit some of those unique places which I have been to.
So at least, there is a purpose and drive to push me than procrastinating throughout the day. 
Hmmm... Good weather today, at least something.
Nice cloudy morning (left) and then when I was preparing my bag to step out from my house, Miss Sky turned dramatic instantly. I was like taking five mins the most!
I was glad that I stepped out of my house, if not, I will be sucked down by my laziness and darkness...
... As it is like a web which glued me down...
Finally, I met up Mao and had a good catch up session with him along to way to Sembawang Hot Spring. I decided to show Mao those unique places in Sembawang.
Unlike my first time visit here, today was rather less crowded and more relaxed.
Today hot spring vibe was so much different than the previous, as it was much chilled.
Hello Banyan Trees. It seemed like today's trip, I will meet up with more of you and your relatives.
Should I soak my feet like them? Perhaps I should organise a trip for the elderly to this place.
I will also like to try to boil some soft boiled eggs :D
Let's me show you the highlight of the place.
You can spend some time reading up on the history and information about hot springs.
The centre community pool for soaking
You can feel the heat by standing next to it.
Three different layers for three different temperature degrees
I wonder... will there be a day when there is no visitor around here and I can just soak my whole body in the pool?
I doubt... I will have such a chance.
The steam seemed so inviting. :)
A short visit here, next time I will focus on introducing this hot spring properly.
Next stop, we would have to walk for a distance through the park and it was a perfect time to catch up. It had been like ten years since we met. I updated Mao on what had happened in my life and the issues I faced. It is a good feeling to have someone to understands my situation and spares no judgement toward me. At least, my procrastination feeling was numb for the moment.
Ah! It has been a while since I visited this place. I don't know its name during that time and now, I got to know its name - Cycle & Carriage Old Villa Gateway.
The old remnant of a gate made up of brick, wooden doors and a tiled roof, and left mysterious and forgotten in the thick foliage.
The history is unknown and great to see the remnant of the past standing in front of me. 
I googled and found out more information about this gate from the famous RememberSingapore website (link) I learned a lot from them.
I took this chance to correct my knowledge of this place and showed Mao how I take my photos. He was surprised to know the magic behind my photos.
(Credit Mao) Sometimes I wish someone can take pictures for me too. Anyway, let's move on to the last highlight of the trip...
Do you remember this? Yes, it is the Gibraltar Crescent Bunker
Yup, it was my first urbex trip with others (link) I bought Mao here, was because as compared to the rest, this one is easy and safer.
This bunker is covered by Banyan Tree!
Like it is trying to own this bunker.
Just looked at its obsession.
Lucky, it does not have the obsession with fat people like me.
But imagine if it does...
...I might be trapped here...
Imagination can go wild... Anyway, let's move on as the afternoon sun was powerful.
Next bunker was Cyprus Crescent Bunker. The foliage started to cover the sight of this bunker; it looked different from what I had experienced previously.
Failed camera for certain pictures. My EX-FR100 failed to take closed up pictures.
I told Mao that I won't go down because it was too dark and best not to.
Two people to go down here without anyone guarding above, I won't want to risk it. If you missed out on the trip which I had descended, you can check this one
Last stop - Malta Crescent Bunker
Easiest bunker to find
This Banyan Tree could not own this bunker, but in future, it will be able to reach the bunker.
For now, Thanks Mao for accompanying me on this Sembawang trip. I hope you enjoy it.
Today was a good experience in which I can gather all my hiking experiences and make them into a hiking trip package. At least, I spent my Saturday morning well... back home... the feeling adsorbed me again... Simply tangled with it.


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