Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blog - March Update

Hi Blog,

Covid virus just like forest-fire burning the woods one by one... burning around my workplace and people around me.

I just feel safer when I am away from the city and crowds...
But I know I can't escape from burning to me one day... I will see how long I can stand last.

1st March 2022 - Today my body was not feel right... my whole body ached... slightly feverish... dizzy... most obvious unusual thing that happened to my body was a painful lump under my armpit - lymph node started to swollen... which meant something (virus) inside my body... I did my ART and result was negative...

2nd March 2022 - Today was the official date when I decided to say goodbye to my favourite brown pants which I mentioned it in 2016 (Jan when I decided to let go) and (Apr and wore it back again) Goodbye... 😢

3rd March 2022 - Third day... ART negative and my body got slightly better even though... dizzy spell still hit and I tried to steal some powernap whenever I can... while my armpit lymph node got lesser swollen. Brought some firey-looking plant gift from my colleague home and at night, I almost got burned by virus-fire! My tenant tested positive and we had a chat without mask on.

4th March 2022 - Feeling much better after a few days of early sleep at night but my head was still kind of dizzy... Maybe my blood pressure increased... or got fatter... Sigh...

5th March 2022 - Failed Urbex
(Click here to read more)

9th Mar 2022 - Happy Birthday to HD, we have so much different as you are an extrovert and I am an introvert but we communicate and share many common insights. Thanks for being there for us; happy to work together.

11th Mar 2022 - Supposed to go my usual swim and my early day off... but Miss Sky decided to troll me... I guessed since I was early, let's visit Decathlon and get myself a pair of new sports attire.

12th Mar 2022 - Old Mata House
(Click here to read more)

14th~17th March 2022 - Royal Caribbean Cruise
(Click here to view more)

18th Mar 2022 - I didn't have a chance to swim on the cruise, so swimming once a week for a fatso like me is just a way for revenge of missing out. Yeah... fatso like me cannot compare to one demi-god alike behind my pictures.

19th Mar 2022 - Island Ruins
(Click here to read more)

19th Mar 2022 - OMG! Finally got a chance to go for a jog! I can feel the difference when I started jogging, breathless and with a lot of drag... have to keep it... Like my injured right arm, long time never do push up daily... I can't even do 20 normally...

22nd Mar 2022 - 20 days ago... I said goodbye to my favourite brown pants... today... I had to say goodbye to my favourite blue pants... The holes got too big beyond repair... The problem for a fat man... my brown pants shared the same fate as this... The abrasion of pants... fat thighs dude will not enjoy lasting pants...Thanks for the sweet memories together.

25th Mar 2022 - Today supposed to go for a swim. Just right I had forced myself to, Miss Sky decided to tell me to go home and sleep...

26th Mar 2022 - Besides have not been jogging, swimming and I also missed bringing my waifu out. So for even a super short ride, I still went for it.

27th Mar 2022 - Syonan Jinja
(Click here to read more)

Hope you like my posts so far.


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