Saturday, March 19, 2022

Hiking - Island Ruins

Good morning Blog,

You know that I love to visit our local islands, right? Too bad, there aren't many islands around Singapore so... Visiting there can become bland or meh.

Today I will return to the island and followed a few urbex experts to explore the island again for newer locations!
I wondered where are those places when they mentioned them during my previous exploration.
Yawning... Have to wake up early to catch the earliest boat and can't let the team to wait for me if I was late.
Hmm... Had been in Captain Nerd attire quite often these days
Too bad Captain Nerd is fat and this match is the only way to save others from suffering a sight-misery and disgust
It seemed like Mr Sun was waiting for me. Are you as excited as I am?
Oh my gosh... The nightmare of weekend situation - PEOPLE!
It was so packed, some ferry had to leave earlier than its assigned timing.
It's the 2nd ferry to pick up the remaining.
Buying tickets from some people in our group were absent for that day so I bought over from them. And realised... I don't have the Gong Cha voucher if I bought directly. 
I guess, I should not be complaining. I was helping others out (maybe) as they can't turn up and had already made the ticket purchase.
This type of face mask is actually quite comfortable than the usual ones.
Thank you JL for sending me this badge as a recognition of part of the Facebook hiking community
Funny feeling to sail on a smaller boat after riding on a big one in a few days ago
Like... I missed the sea already
Usually, I thought going on a cruise will experience a smaller window to look out the sea, it was a totally different feeling.
Oh gosh... The crowds during weekend on this island, were too overwhelming... They were everywhere!
Anyway today I was not going for suntan, my main objective was...
On this island, there are some hidden gems that most people will miss out.
Today I will try to cover most of it.
The First stop surprised me...
Is my shadow ready? 😂 Even the unique growth of the tree doesn't surprise me that much.
Which was that the first area was just right in front of me
How come I didn't notice this place in the past?
This place was used to be a shop or store on this island.
Same as other urbex experiences, a lot of broken-down
Everyone started to explore
Hi, house. :) great to see you waving.
Simple house in the past
While others explored the main house, I shall explore the smaller house.
Have to be mindful of where you are stepping, you won't know what is beneath the debris
Hmmm... looking around and learning about the place
Looked like it is a storeroom
Besides metal will rust, wood will also "rust".
The second room seemed like a washing bay and spotted a bird nest that was once housed a generation before.
Back to the main house and a something which seemed like out of the place from this building
The metal stair seemed like it was used at the harbour and the ferry
The lighting and shadow casting made this room seems interesting and beautiful
The pillars formed the nice shadow cast
Many debris was left in the house, we had to make a cautious move within the house.
This place won't look the same after a few months' time or in future.
A nice metal foil which reminded of the metal bed in Tata house last week (link)
Oh, there is another smaller room
...yet it was quite tall though. 
Enough of this house, time for the next one.
The next ruin is just beside it... Facepalmed that I didn't spot it at all.
Ooo, it is a detention centre or jail!
There are many cells here. Even though it is bright now but on these days, these cells will be dark and locked up like animals...
Now this place was "locked" up for its next destination. Sadly, I don't get to read more about this place... Like all I know was, this island was used for quarantine and prison purposes.
I wanted to take a pic while I was locked up but I can't trust anyone and also no one to help.
A small storeroom at the back of the cells
Somemore cells here, back to back.
This side of the cells had become ponding for mosquitoes' cells
That small store seemed like, it was their wash up and toilet area.
I guessed I had covered here so far, time to be caught by police for being disgusting.
Mrs Tree here was trying to tell us many stories happened here, mostly were sad ones...
If without the urbex experts, I doubt I will be able to know the access of these places...
Time for more.
Walking along the fence...
We entered into a "place" but I didn't explore more here
A giant English chessboard here - I heard from WS about the legend of this English Chess. He shared during WWII, the Japanese soldiers would treat their prisoners as chess pieces, then killed them if they were eliminated from the game. What a sad legend... I hoped that it was not real.
More exploration coming up!
A few abandoned houses altogether in one place
I remembered that I came to this place before, but at that time I didn't have the guts to explore further.
Now I decided to revisit the feeling
I feel more daring now these days
I just tried to keep up the respectful mind and only come for documentation, unlike some people who might have other objectives.
The rooms were filled with trashes... at least, it was better that way so we will have a cleaner room elsewhere
Ah! 😂 Legendary 'Blue Houses' with Captain Nerd in blue
Loose and wearing off roof cover made this place feel so lonely and forgotten...
Exposed roof due to rain and shine, which required high maintenance. No wonder, they have to abandon this place.
If I have a large house for myself, I won't go for a wooden roof. I will go for a plastic-like logo-design roof! 😂
For now, such condition will just served as photography purpose.
It seemed like this place doesn't seem like a residential area; it looked like an office.
The whole layout doesn't seem like it was meant for a long stay.
You know... Things like cupboards
Ooo! It was interesting to find an interior stair and yard in the Blue House.
Ah, now we are in the kitchen. More like a pantry area.
Someplace were some debris rooms.
Oh man! A lot of nice places to explore here but need time to go elsewhere, I should not hold up the group.
Next stop - we were on our way to find one of the most hidden gems on this island...
We need to go through thick fern foliage which is taller than me and it cut... To be honest... what wondered me a lot is... HOW on Earth can they find those places?!!!??!?!?!?!?!?
In the middle of the thick wood, there is this big structure hidden.
It is big but I can't find any door...
I took a picture through the window and through a thick wall... inside seemed empty but creepy...
Around 3 ~ 4m of the height...
Only the bats can enter
This place seemed rather well reserved because of the undisturbed.
I guessed it is best to leave the inside untouched.
AH! Found that door! To be honest... this does not seem like a house... more like a storeroom.
At the back of the structure, there is a dark alley. No window found here besides tentacled plants
2nd structure after a distance away. This one looked beautiful with those red bricks, it adds texture and uniqueness to my memory.
Hmmm... Empty room but seemed... like it was not "empty" actually...
But this place is perfect for photography
Same thing, this place has one door
and it was sealed.
Interesting finding nearby the 2nd structure. We found a railway track and a bogie. It might be a way to travel and deliver stuff.
Ah! The third structure is what I will call a house. Don't know why... I didn't want to take a lot of pictures here because... I just felt lonely and emo... There were girls around... I tried to engage them, have a small talk (which I don't use to but as a man, I AM REQUIRED to approach them first...) to get to know one another better... but hey! I met a wall! I think I have enough with those BS... My conclusion is only GAL will open their door for whoever they feel they like; Guys don't even need to try HARD unless they are demi-gods. Please don't tell me to be more confident with myself... What do you mean by "More"? Do you mean try harder and try again and again? Enough already...
GREAT! We were out! BEACH!
Escaped from suffocating myself with my own BS... Anyway... I can't stay with the group anymore to wait for low tide to happen so I returned the route myself...
To rush for the ferry back home
Sigh... I guessed I am the only one who spoiled my own mood... I have yet learned to accept the fact that I am just an inadequate and unworthy person...
Since I paid to go to my favourite island... I will not miss this opportunity to...
But... I can't suntan with all the people around the beach... throwing disgusted stares... I tried to ignore but...
I guessed I just have to go...
Thanks Heaven for giving an early departure ferry to exit the judgemental place... I swear I will never go to the island during the weekend...
Since I had some time... I went to complete one easiest and most convenient ruin
Since, it was just nearby...
It is situated at one of the Malay Graveyard
Before finding the ruin, this tree looks awesome!
Their roots are so tough and strong.
Interesting network of roots like as if they are alive
Its vertical roots look like a prison
FOUND! A Tomb Raider alike of ruin! :D
...and a Tomb Ruiner trying to take some pictures before my camera battery went dry.
I guessed... the last ruin healed me a bit and Miss Sky threw me a rainbow to cheer me up. Thank you Miss Sky... I feel better now...
Even though my both legs got many slashes and cuts by the ferns
Interesting urbex experience I had today, I shall leave my negative emotions behind... Just like the ruins... the structure is there to keep us remembered or reminded or even forgotten... In the end, nature will take its course to consume and turn it into another face (experience)... As long as, we learned to move ourselves forward the light, we will be okay. Like the cuts, it wounded me but it will heal.


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