Monday, March 14, 2022

Trip - Royal Caribbean Cruise

Hi Blog,

Yippee! Finally came the dates when I had been waiting for, since last year. And during these days especially when covid cases were high, my mother insisted that I could not go for a jog or outing. I had to endure and grow fatter until the dates of going on a cruise!

I had prepared my bag for the three days three nights cruise.
This was my first time going on a cruise and was to go on Royal Caribbean Cruise, One of the most expensive cruises known. I thought I can go for a cheaper one but my mother insisted so I will be supportive since she has never gone on a cruise too.

I had foreseen that I will have a lot of empty time so I shall bring my ps4 up the ship.
So let’s go on the cruise with me! Because it was three days and nights, I will not write and divide it into three days and nights posts, so you will notice the same place but I was in different attire.
Before onboard the ship, we needed to go for a “nose digging” test and ensured that we are negative.
Oooo! Two giant ships were waiting for everyone to go for a relaxing time. The left ship - Dream World, went bankrupt… if not, we will go for that boat.
Blue clear sky was a positive sign from Mr Sun and Miss Sky that it would be a sunny trip!
This was the one of the Royal Caribbean ships - Quantum of the Seas
Okay! Check-in time!
This is one of the new place to check in ourselves.
Feeling like an airport
But somehow different, it has a grand hall.
After checking in, we still needed to wait and boarded the ship in batches.
I can spot one of our rooms from here. Wah, it is so big like a hotel floating on the sea.
Today cruise, I would be with my mother, my elder brother, my uncle and my tenant, ZQ.
Too bad, my sister can’t join us.
Nice seamless carpet layout
Let me show you the cabin
Nice, Spacious cabin for housing us for three nights. My ideal room set up for my own house if I have money and house.
A sofa and small...
...toilet though but it has everything, I am okay with it. Who needs a bathtub anyway. LOL! I will do such set up if I have a house myself.
Love this ring-light mirror
Decent, clean and comfortable bed
...and Bouncy too.
Nice balcony! Perfect for a suntan!
Looking out from the window and I will think, it is just a building than a boat.
I believe I will spend some time on the balcony because...
OH MAN! I can't play my PS4 here...because they don't have an HDMI button on their remote controller!
Oh well... Sitting on the balcony is not a bad thing too; can admire the vast ocean and enter deep thought.
So I spent some time doing some reading and relaxing in front of the sea.
Best of all, no one disturbs here...
Anyway, enough of my room, let's explore other places!
On Deck 14th, is where everyone will have their buffet session.
For vegetarians like me... the food option here is scarce. For the meat lovers, they will love here.
Dining here was a special experience because you can dine while viewing the open sea. What a life :D
Pictures here will bring a special vibe...
Like this. Don't you feel the class of enjoyment?
For me, these were the food which I had for three days buffet. Tasty is good enough for me.
Love this piece of artwork - many eyes artwork - eerie but interesting
Speaking of interesting stuff, I always love how they design the structure of the building; like their concepts and ideas
One of the features or purposes for example the one in the lift, love the idea that they will change one of the tiles that shows the day that serves as a little reminder for us which day is it when we are too relaxed on the cruise. but It can also turn out to be a waste of effort as no one will look or bother... the effort of replacing it every night but under-appreciated. But I will like this.
As you looked down from the lift...
... from the bottom...
Butterflies flying up - beautiful artwork
The lift zone has one more interesting feature...
Transparent flooring. Interesting! If can get someone to shoot from the bottom, will be awesome.
The main hall (deck 5) where we had our very briefed safety lesson
One of the quiet areas (Deck 5) beside the hall where you can enquire about the next trip offer.
Along the same Deck where most of the shops and restaurants gathered. I am not loaded so this place has zero power over my wallet.
Feeling like part of the shopping mall was kept within this space.
I dared not enter any shops here - mostly branded bags and watches, and ladies' dresses. So just meh for me.
But something caught my interest...
Gigantic chair!
If there is someone to help me to take in mid-shot level will be great
What a grand chair to sit for fun and it was free.
A car going nowhere...
...What a unique piece of art
Ah! Managed to find the blog post cover picture!
The logo of Royal Caribbean which looks like a Transformer logo
Oooo! The first day when the casino (Deck 3) was not operating.
My first time visiting a casino! Too bad, they have no power over my wallet either. LOL!
These three days when I returned to the casino, not gambling, I noticed there was a countable people gambled here... Perhaps because this cruise (for this time during the school holiday season) was filled with families who barely have time to visit the casino.
Looked shiny and glamorous but without the light, it won't shine on its own.
Two70 which I only managed to visit once. Should be an interesting concert here
For two years +, we were stuck on the small island... It was a great chance to break the chain for a while.
Going on deck attendance check-in - My mother, elder brother, my tenant and my uncle.
Another one on the top of the deck before leaving
Goodbye Singapore, we will be back in three days.
And hope Singapore will remember this fat Jeff because she will need to register a fatter Jeff
On Deck 14, there are many exciting activities but don't get to do them because need to queue... pay... and just meh...
hey! Look! I have a pink giant buddy here!
Must be an expensive art piece to display here.
While wandering around at night, I took another set of photos with it while not many people were around.
In Deck 14, you will find a nice lighted panel that spells... Can you see the word?
There is an arcade but the games just meh... and in USD charge per play... Just skip it.
Alright, here is most of the activities/highlights for most people
Yes! Outdoor Swimming Pool! Yes!
BUT! It was filled with kids and the pool is not for swimming... as it is shallow and many families around here... I can't swim there... too many judgy eyes...
The indoor pool has the same fate as the outdoor... great to have everyone having fun
So many benches waiting for people to suntan freely... But I hardly see anyone doing it... Even though I still can spot some demi gods and goddesses jogging along the deck and in the gym... Suntan is nope.
Moving to the front of the ship - here is Solarium
Perfect place for suntan and place to chill away from the kids!
here got four warm jacuzzi - perfect :D
I hope I have the balls to visit here during the noon
Unblocked view toward the horizon is just amazing.
Only paid guests can access the front of the ship for photography
For normal guests like me, a photo at the side deck beside Solarium, is the closest I can get.
A beautiful shot that I managed to get here
I love this round sofa a lot, if I have a chance to sit/sleep on it, I will! I will just snooze throughout the day.
One thing which I will not miss is a good sunset moment.
Yes! Thank you Mr Sun and Miss Sky, thanks for making the day so beautifully.
Evening or Morning makes a perfect picture.
Oh, it's evening time! Dinner time! To be honest, I had not completely digested the afternoon at all...
It seemed our dinner for these days were complimentary so let's don't waste it.
I must say the service here in Royal Caribbean are great, no matter where you go. For our dinner, one manager and an assistant will take care of maybe three/four tables and will stay focus on that, which is a plus point especially during such tight schedule and crowds. Cheer to them.
Our dining place has some vintage and classic interior - nice colour of red mixed orange to bring the rich history of certain era.
Here were the dishes served to me as a vegetarian. Can't say it will be an "impressive" dish as compared to the meaty dish, but the effort to serve and take care of my dietary needs were admirable and greatly appreciated. Simple dishes can help my bloated tummy from eating a lot and these were quite filling too.
We managed to book our seat for a concert
Nice! We managed to get the first seat for a closer look at the performance
Only my mother followed me, while the rest just wanted to do their own things.
Andy Elton - A tribute to Sir Elton John.
Honestly, I don't have deep impression of who is Elton John but somehow I have some impression of him.
Somehow he carried his vibe...
I loved and was mesmerized by his shining jacket.
Cheer to him, he sings well. very well. He has the voice which is perfect for podcast/youtuber too.
I can't find the actual Andy Elton performance on the cruise but this one was similar to what I had experienced.
I heard from my auntie's recommendation to have a vegetarian pizza here.
I asked whether can they make a pizza without garlic and onion, and they really did! Blessed their soul. At least, I can have a sinful meal. LOL! Which I can't finish them all...
I brought the pizza back and found our cabin was neatly tidied, and they left a bear on our bed.
The night on the cruise was not always the same.
I explored the night outside and watched the smoking pipes of the ship in action
After a while, I realised something odd... a lot of grey ash landed on me... I felt so dirty and sticky... but I also found out something...
No one was by the pool... 
I found one place where I can use it at ease...
The Jacuzzi in the indoor pool!!!
I asked my elder brother to join me on this soaking trip
The water in the jacuzzi started and the warm water really warmed my heart and soul.
We just soaked ourselves for nearly an hour and no one (not many) showed up to use this jacuzzi with us.
I could only walk around freely at these wee hours
Especially untoned loser like me is best to keep away from public sight as much as I can.
I could also use my favourite chair and rest there for hours...
I also found out that Solarium...
also have one more...
JACUZZI! Even quieter!
Away from judgy eyes and allowed me to be free
What a strange person I am; usually people will be having fun in the jacuzzi during the daytime...
And I was having fun at night... Anyway, Thank you Cruise for this gem, at least something which I truly enjoyed.
Because there was no one walking or working around in the wee hours, I just walked back like this. Haha
Hope and pray
can only do this without anyone seeing me, unless I am demi-gods category. For now, I am simi-god (simi is Chinese dialect translated as "what" in doubtful manner)
Even the ring-light can't increase any aesthetic value than devalue.
So calm with the night sky
Right in front of me, is Centaurs and the famous Rux aka Southern Cross, that points to the southern direction. How I wish there is a deck where is no bright light around to pollute the night sky, so can admire the night sky.
Speaking about the sky, The morning sky was so beautiful.
I decided to wake up early to suntan! Can't waste this moment anymore.
Morning sun - soft and gentle, a bit cold though
And I realised...
The ship was shifting position! It started to shift towards another side, so I decided to give the heck care attitude and suntan on the deck (common area).
I looked around the deck, I found there is Suite Sun Deck. This place is reserved for the loaded guests who stay in Suite Stateroom, the most spacious and luxurious suites. So... this space was a waste as NO ONE is using the deck... Why :'(...
I had no choice but to use this common lane to...
suntan. Okay! let's go! Grow thicker skin and go!
To remove the amount of judgemental stares, I went during the noon and found a corner where I thought it will be lesser visitors.
I hesitated a lot for a while...
But heck care! No time to waste for a good sun.
Please ignore me, people and move on...
beautiful sky :3 Thank you Miss Sky for accompanying me
I guessed after a few turns...
I can't take their disgusting stares and laughter...
I tried... I just can't fault them... worst, I can't pass myself... I failed for being a flawed person... Flawed in physically, flawed in mentally...
Thanks Miss Sky to comfort me...
She asked Mr Sun to return to the right side of the ship so that I can suntan at my balcony in peace
Mr Sun decided to heal me with his warmth and heat
Gave me space...
So I can roast myself freely - front and back for even tanned.
It was a good tan as I sweated non-stop like in sauna
I guessed that I won't suntan too long as I don't wish to overdo it.
:) Thank you Mr Sun.
I had been checking on where the cruise went to during this trip to nowhere... It sailed to the West of Malaysia and then after a while, it was at the East of Malaysia, then back to the West again
After enjoyment... bad thing started to happen... when someone decided to gamble on the ship...
I just sat near the service counter window wondering why and what had happened... Now my wallet felt so... tight and empty...
The Royal Caribbean was either trying to add salt on the wallet-wound or trying to consult the one who was a big loser in the end... Sadly... I can't use that voucher... on my next trip because it was only tied to the gambler's name... and I highly doubt he/she will return to the ship again after wallet damage...
The forth day... We were back... I will make my conclusion below.
Meanwhile, there are some tips which are quite useful
Overall, my trip to Royal Caribbean was a great one, even though don't get to try every facility at all... long queue and other reasons... As compared to staycation, the price and overall, going on the cruise will be a great option. I guess I will try to go for my first staycation very soon.

I will add in one more tip.... about the purchasing of the wifi connection. Just remember to skip the last day as you will be most probably reach the harbour in the early morning. So don't waste money buying on the last day.

Hope I can go on the cruise again one day.


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