Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Blog - March Update

Hi Blog,

Time really flies fast. March already... During the pandemic during 2020, things happened fast and sudden which changed our life, aka a new norm - wearing masks, social distancing, restriction more than certain number of people... It seemed like it just happened last week.

I already started to get older and fatter, perhaps not motivated too... Trying hard to slim down, to feel good, to feel confident; all can just throw away...
Speaking about new norm... Even friendship also. One moment, you have someone texting you daily and wanted to keep up such bond with. After a while, it died down... I can only blame myself for being a boring shxt and can never last any relationship with anyone. Like what others had mentioned to me, straight to my face that I am a boring person to talk to. I guess he/she is right after all. Sigh...

1st March 2021 - :) Thank you Miss Sky and Mr Sun for motivating me. I hope I will be okay...

2nd March 2021 - Why I got Ghosted
(Click here to read more)

3rd March 2021 - Bought some red mushroom decorations to lilt up the mood in my garden. :D What do you think? Okay... I am just wasting money...

4th March 2021 - Yes, it is the untoned me again. Today was a Sunny day which I like. Sadly, today will be the last day swimming with Mr C, as he needed to fetch his daughter from school and had to spend more time to earn enough for his family.

5th March 2021 - Trisuit Theme #46
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5th March 2021 - Yes! Friday again! What a perfect time to go for a short jog. Oh! thanks S for rushing down to accompany me jogging. Thanks bro for understanding my schedule and heard me out.

6th March 2021 - It had been a long time to arrange and catch up with my army platoon friends. Should be around 15 years! Despite I wanted some me-time to manage my own emotions, my platoon friends made arrangement and time for today short hike. OH yes! What a small world to bump to E (My MHW gaming mate) and his wife along the way. Even though, my platoon friends wanted to carry on exploring SG, I will have to reserve my time with other people whom I had promised once I recovered from myself.

7th March 2021 - Sunday morning supposed to meet up my friend but last min changes... So I just cycled out to clear some errands. I guess... I will take time for myself. No more for others.

8th March 2021 - Cloudy weather today and the sky got darker too early. Feeling the push from myself to jog! Jia you me!

8th March 2021 - Happy Birthday TH (not in the pic) and HD. What a small world when HD knows TH in army camp and become my colleague, and while I know TH since he was young. Best of all, both of their birthday is a day different.

9th March 2021 - Third New Banner
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9th March 2021 - YIPPEE! I managed to pee out my kidney stone at my workplace! It was quite big, bigger than my previous one but It was smooth! Just when I was ready to pick it up and add to my collection... My office toilet auto flushing function activated and... Its GONE! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo! WHY!

11th March 2021 - Trying to swimming continuously but I am just too slow and fat... Oh well... I will just keep on swimming; I can't win or be those slim swimmers, I will just keep swimming.

13th March 2021 - Today I supposed to go cycling for a longer distance with Mr E, but I can't sleep throughout the whole night. I kept on flipping myself and can't force my mind to rest. I guess the bubble tea (don't know where they ordered from, perhaps they used different tea leaves...) from my colleague. Anyway... Mr E, as a PE teacher, learned that I have not slept at all, he pretended to postpone the cycling trip with his unwell wife. I knew that he was lying to protect me and wanted me to go for a good sleep. Oh well... Even though Mr Sun was in full strength, I still can't sleep... so I decided to go for a short cycling trip and read some book to calm my mind. Oh yes! Time to wear my new jersey - xtiger! I love the alien green colour which matches my green shoes :D PERFECTO! Do you like it?

14th Mar 2021 - Exploring the Star Dots (Part 1)
(Click here to read more)

15th Mar 2021 - Maju Forest and The Jurong Railway Hike
(Click here to read more)

16th Mar 2021 - School Holiday time for cycling! But... Something bad happened...

17th Mar 2021 - Someone Impersonation
(Click here to read more)

18th Mar 2021 - Feeling so sad... My camera was gone... It was dropped somewhere when I went to work... Is it a punishment for me for posting pictures online? Why why my cameraman just left me like this... After that I emo for the whole night and when I was about to sleep for the night... I FOUND IT!!!!!

20th Mar 2021 - Today was WY and MR wedding. It supposed to be hosted last year but due to Covid, it postponed today. And we had a great and simple occasion and for me, I am happy to be your wedding brother.

21st Mar 2021 - Fallen Tree Hunt
(Click here to read more)

22nd Mar 2021 - Be a Beachboy
(Click here to read more)

23rd Mar 2021 - To lighten my emotions, my ex-student, J, made this to cheer me. :) Thank you J. Faceapp is fun :D

24th Mar 2021 - Thanks to my plants for cheering me too. :) Thank you, everyone. I shall publicise my blog again. hope whoever is reading can treat my blog with respect and protect it with love like how I have towards my blog.

25th Mar 2021 - Love to see animals visited. As you see, I have a small Mr gecko visit my Nepethenes and follow its senior. I bought a bird decoration to spice up my corridor garden.

27th Mar 2021 - it was a cycling day with Mr E and Mr E will bring me to West Coast where I don't know how to go there. Then when we were about to return our journey... Rain! Since I was soaking wet... I just went crazy and played in rain! XD
28th Mar 2021 - Thanks XR for hosting a simple house warming session. So sorry ended up I didn't bring anything up as a gift. Cheer! Everyone!

29th Mar 2021 - Something happened while we were doing some tomb-sweeping today. This Micheal Owen printed table was a Carlsbery cap-exchange event while my father was still living and he was a drinker. We have been using this table as a table stand for putting our offering for my father. Today the offering-candle dropped and burned the table, and it just so-happened to burn at his crotch area. HAHAHA! yes! His expression and himself is HOT, smoking hot.

30th Mar 2021 - My first Covid vaccination appointment. Just Ouch! I hate needle and right after, he had done, I can't feel my arm for a few seconds. The funny thing was that I was the only young guy surrounded by elders here, they just gave me a weird inspection. Having a fever or numbness in the next two days is normal; but there are some side effects like swollen eye, face or lip shortness of breath, hive or seizure which we need to consult a doctor immediately.


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