Sunday, March 21, 2021

Hiking - Fallen Tree Hunt

Hi Blog,

While I hiked at the secret spot, exploring new trails; I was actually looking for the legendary fallen tree which not many people will want to release the location to me. I understand why they did that. Until one day, my friend, V, told me that he was also searching for that fallen tree too.

I bathed and getting ready.
So in order to avoid the crowd during the weekend, we agreed to go for an evening hike and also hunting for a legendary animal that can only be found in that area.

Perfect afternoon sky. :D but after traveling to Caschew Station...
It seemed like... Miss Sky decided to do something...
Yeah... She decided to wash the ground now but since I was here... I will just go ahead even if V decided to skip it.
But V said that he can still explore the trail with me. Glad he insisted despite the rainy condition and Miss Sky stopped raining. Yippee!
V had reached this park before me, I felt so bad that I was late upon promised timing. I wondered where is he now?
Hmmm... Either he turned to the left...or the right... I guess I will take this chance to visit the tower to greet the famous rain tree here.
We will explore this part of the trail later on. :D Yippee! NEW TRAIL!
Without Mr Sun here, this place looks meh.
But when I turned around behind me... Oh dear... Heavy cloud spotted. I guessed I will have a wet hike today.
Let's make a dramatic shot with the dramatic sky.
I guess I am lacking the creativity for photoshoot ideas...
I think the main problem is due to the model - Not handsome/buffed/worthy enough to just look great in the photos.
Finally, V showed up and we will explore this area together.
Should be a quiet and undisturbed hike here.
Miss Sky decided not to rain right now, which was great!
Danger zone - Keep Clear!
Cyclists use this path so frequently that getting Muddy on their butt seems so normal to them.
Oh yeah. I forgot to explain the reason why I wanted to explore this place, it was because of the legendary fallen tree. I heard you will spot many over this trek but which one will be the actual worthy hold onto such title? Let's find out!
No fallen tree spotted here. but Oh man... Rain started... I gave up... Just kidding... I meant I just prepared for the worst - get wet for now.
Nep Gracilis seems like quite common here, but to find a reddish coloured Gracilis like this, is rare.
(Thanks V for helping) Yippee! Hiking in the rain.
OOO! Nice classic smooth cycling trail!
(Thanks V for taking pictures behind me) Slippery and long journey here
Lucky the sky was still bright and we still had a long way to go.
OOO! A wooden man-made bridge.
Our first fallen wood?
(Thanks V for helping) Nope. This one was used as a bridge, thanks to whoever did this for everyone.
Let's Walk further in.
Found another opening spot.
(Thanks V for helping) Wooow. Perfect place to chill and pitch a picnic mat.
Snap! Fallen tree? Nah, this one is too small to mention it.
(Thank you V) Hmmm... is this the only type of fallen tree?
Should be somewhere else
(Thanks V) Shall we go further down?
As we walked for a few meters away...

Yes! Fallen Tree!
Check out the surface of this tree trunk...
It seemed like many people had been walking on top of it.
(Thanks V) Trying to walk over the tree. My fat weight might break this trunk. Hmm... The fallen tree seemed rather small... That's it? Is this even worth to be iconic?
Rain had stopped. Time to walk faster before Mr Sun went to bed.
It seemed like this area has a lot of illegal fishing spots.
With this beautiful scenery, it can also serve as a view point spots too.
Smooth trail - we are still on trek.
Lucky today was not rainy :D
And the rain stopped finally.
(Thanks V) Don't know why pictures from V's phone seemed clearer and cleaner. Hahaha
Had a good chit-chat session with V, Glad that my stupidity and weirdness didn't make him uncomfortable.
Spot another fallen tree again
(Thanks V) but this one definitely out.
Hmmm... Something tells me to take this path. My Spidernerdy-sense told me to follow that something.
As we approached...
WOW! So Exciting!
(Thanks V) let me walk closer to the water
(Thanks V for capturing the moments) Careful. I don't want a wet shoes so early.
(Thank you V) I had tested my limit... My balls started to shrink so I will stop here and smile for pictures...
(Thanks V) SMILE! :D
It is a big tree here.
Finally found it and made this far.
(Thanks V) Who knows one day, this trunk will be removed.
(Thanks V) Alright, V, One more last shot here. It's your turn, I will help you to take for you.
(Thanks V) Flowers which no one spares a thought towards them.
Unique Bamboo arching over the path
(Thanks V) Walking through Bamboo tunnel
Hiking alone here is rather risky, as You won't be able to spot a snake from such area.
After finding that fallen tree, V showed me his Google Map and I realised that there seemed to have another fallen tree in this location. Since we might pass by that area to find the legendary creature, we shall visit that location and complete the hunt.
A good comparison between my camera and V's phone.
His is much more calmer and mine is just raw. I didn't compare it with Huawei and I should have.
(Thanks to V's phone) I will like to have a shot taken by your phone.
Future fallen tree, it's root seems short.
(Thanks V) A nerd looking away, beyond the lake bank.
Do you see the white fog on the surface of the lake? Oh man, I forgot to take out my phone for it.
Another fallen tree and we will be moving out from the lake bank sooner.
Looking through the wood for the legendary creature. Make a guess what will that be?
Oooo! This one is Alocasia Zebrina! It has a unique and beautiful zebra-like stems. It is not an easy plant to take care too.
Oooo, Who discarded a bike here? Let Mother Nature consume it.
We were on our way back to the main path, looking for another entrance for the second fallen tree.
Based on Google Map Web browser mode, you will find this pin Fallen Tree and from OSM, I saw a trail which ends somewhere there. It could be the location for the Fallen Tree.
Ooo by the way, I didn't know such path while I hiked around here. Amazing to find new path!
A wide open path which I didn't even know! Wah!
Perhaps because I don't take the cyclist path to avoid confrontation with them.
Ooo based on OSM app, we had arrived to the entrance which leads to no where. The red markings tell me a lot about this path.
Let me bring you in
From the smooth trail, there are frequent visits by people.
The clear path might lead us to somewhere.
Argh! Mosquitoes party house! Run!
Ooo it was the opposite side when I took the picture of the white fog.
No fallen tree here.
As we moved further in, spotted one rotten tree.
I don't think I will want to stand on it.
It looks rather unstable.
(Thank you V) Yup. I will just stood here for pic will do.
At least, the scenery here is peaceful as no hiker or cyclist is around.
A bent tree that wanted to become the iconic fallen tree but failed.
Just when I thought that we had done with the finding, I sensed calling here, I told V that we should go deeper as OSM map showed there are some more trails in there. Let's go!
Just wow! Just amazing. Thank you Mother Nature for bringing us here. We found another fallen tree!
Checking on its decaying state and I guessed it had been laying here for more than 10 years.
It is one of the largest fallen tree that I had ever found and it seems like it will maintain as this state for another five more years.
Besides the largest among all, it is also the well hidden deep in the trail.
It's also the longest.
It's time to walk along it.
(thanks V) The trunk is thick, I can walk with confidence.
(thank you V for taking my candid shots) Trying to take a pic here.
(thanks V) taking my nerdy, ugly selfish moment.
(thanks V) let's walk further down.
(thanks V) okay, let's turn back.
(thanks V) a shoot of me with the ironic tree, not sure how long you will stay here. I hope you will carry to stay here.
One more final shot for you, iconic fallen tree. You are the best representative for my fallen tree hunting!
Time to return back as Mr Sun gave me his final warning.
Since we were doing Fallen Tree hunt, even this is included
(Thanks V) let's end today hike with this fallen tree.
What happened to those fallen trees? Most of them will be consumed by the fungus. This one was an amazing example.
Almost 7pm... The sky was getting darker already, time to go back!
(Thanks V) He found the Legendary creature! Can you spot it?
(thanks V) YES! They are the Mouse Deer! They are very small and shy creature! It was a rare occasion to spot more than one. Today we were so lucky!
Amazing hike today :D Satisfying!
We will hike again, V. Thanks for bringing me around and know you more.


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