Sunday, March 14, 2021

Hiking - Exploring The Star Dots (Part 1)

Good Morning Blog,

Finally managed to rest my brain properly... On Friday night, I barely slept and can't go for the cycling trip with Mr E. So I slept early for today morning hike.

Feeling meh but at least, I had some rest.
Today where were we going to?

Yes! Looked like we were going for sun chasing again, but I had other plan.
Taking JH's car and reached before EK (our sleepy head)
It seemed like EK was late again...
Yup. We missed the sun rise again...
Wow! Oh man! WE ARE LATE!!!!!!!!! But but we were early! Sigh...
I guessed we just enjoyed the moment.
After rainy night, the fog in the morning is perfect to create such nice sun ray.
Okay. Here was my plan. Today I decided to explore what are those stars meant on the app map. Today trail I will cover the first three star dots. I don't show too much detail because I don't encourage anyone going there yourself.
Let's begin! The sign explains.
It seemed like a peaceful hike.
Should be easy trail.
Let's smile and get ready! Great to have XY joining us to motivate EK to wake up early for this hike. And before XY returns to his country, best to let him experience the nature side of Singapore.
Quite easy trail to walk and we also spotted a few hikers here.
Our first obstacle spotted.
I can imagine how it will be when it was flooded. Every time when I see this, I always feel thankful to those people who built this for the safety for visitors or whoever; it definitely helps people.
XY and EK - be careful
Oops! Almost.
You know what does this picture and building mean? Meaning you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx alright, moving on quietly.
Mr Sun was searching for us. First time that Mr Sun doesn't know where I am. Hahaha!
Nice spot for picture suddenly.
(Thanks JH for helping) Me and Nature. Just me.
Hmmm... There was something interesting over this fench. What is it?
oooooooo! Wah!
Like a rocky dam
This place is actually restricted zone so better stay away. Sorry I don't know about it.
One last shot at this area. I won't return again.
oooo! Sorry, I didn't see this sign.
Beautiful web here.
Let's continue our journey
A stop where we can reach the lake
Simply amazing
Feeling like getting down to the lake but NOPE!
Don't let my emotions take over and forget the risks.
Our first star dot location
Ah I see! It is for beautiful pic. I shall name this as "Butterfly Wing Lake" - As the pavement folded like buttefly wing.
Whatever I see this, I just feel thankful. You know what? Without "whoever", this log will be here for like a life time but it was sawed and leave the path unobstructed. Thank you.
Going inwards, away from the bank of the lake.
After a while, we will see...
The lake again
Thumb up for the...
Amazing scenery
Trail of termites army.
Hmmm... I wondered why didn't they make this place as a star dot?
Ah. Because this place will be flooded. Right now we were lucky to walk so close because of low tide.
Big bucket mushrooms spotted.
Can't comment much with this shot. Hope he is safe and fishes, please stay away.
Spot many beautiful moss around here. I believe if there is no human activity, this area will be filled with moss.
Alright no time to waste, we still have a few KM to cover.
So far, we were not alone in this trail, we had passed by three big groups of hikers, four cyclists and a ghost. So It is polite if we can greet with one another. :)
We were coming closer to the next dot.
One of the widest and calm scenery
Peaceful :3 I shall named this as "Mirror Lake" - If the water is calmer, I bet it will reflect the greenery perfectly.
I think we can pitch a ground sheet here and enjoy the scenery.
My brothers were tired of hiking the trail, I guessed we will end ours sooner. After a while, we came to the beautiful star dot.
And I shall name this as "Emerald Lake" - As it has the emerald texture under the ray of the sun.
(Thanks EK) Photo time!
(Thanks XY for using his camera) Perfect wide angle shot taken by his Osmo Pocket.
I guess it will be part 1 of the star dots found in the app, there will be part 2 which will be easily covered. Will post it sooner.


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