Monday, March 22, 2021

Trip - Be a Beachboy

Good Morning Blog,

Today I took a day leave to have a good Me-time at a beach as I wanted to sun-tan. Supposed to go with my friend but his job needed him suddenly... I guessed I will go to the island on my own but I told myself, I should ask around.

BB responded and he can go with me before the start of his work.
Thanks BB for accompanying me for this trip. Alright! Time to go to Lazarus Island! Yes! AGAIN!

Ah! Look at Mr Sun! :D Mr Sun was ready to visit the island too!
OH! Here is the new timing from Singapore Island Cruise. Actually I like this new timing arrangement which you can return to SG earlier if possible.
ah! Really love the smell of the sea by the port.
selfie a while but Mr Sun was just too excited to go.
Yes yes yes!
What the... The whole ship was filled with people! Today was Monday, right? What is happening? As what my friend, S, had mentioned before, since no body can step out from the country and have plenty of leave, resulted most people will take up long weekends (days like Monday or Friday). I guess next time I will take Wednesday!
Sailing off!
I guess I can't be selfish to think of myself; to keep the whole island to myself... I guess it is okay for others to share this island and enjoy the scenery together.
For me, I will just need to make adjustment to myself.
(Thanks BB for taking for me) I always want a picture on the ship shot. If not crowded, I will have taken more.
We were reaching sooner. Approaching ST John Island. Oh Wait?! I saw something there. Last year, I went for a tour during low tide at ST John and it was fun! (post link) Now it seemed like...
To confirm my suspicious, I got down the ship asap
Nice clear emerald water :3
Let's go! BB!
Oh! Yes! it is Low tide now! Great! We can go and explore the low tide zone!
Based on the online information, yes! We arrived in the right time! Even though the height of the low tide was not impressively low.
ST Jeff Island.
But still alright, better than nothing.
We put down our stuff under a shade and headed towards the low tide zone, most importantly, away from people.
(Thank you BB for helping) YES! This side of the island is MINE! ALL MINE!
(Thanks BB) I don't care anymore. I just stripped down to my trunk and enjoyed the sun here!
(Thanks BB) Wanted to remove my watch so that I can get an even tan but our bags were faraway from us now. Oh well, I will remove later.
Ah! I want to explore deeper but my current wore-shoes were not suitable...
As there were litters especially sharp glass bottle can be found here, I will get a mysterious cut if I explored too deep.
(Thanks BB for don't mind taking pictures of my ugly untoned me) I guessed I will just have a fat man photoshoot here.
Nice coral on the rock.
Suddenly BB felt stomachache and needed to visit toilet, I can manage myself here. You go ahead, BB.
Approaching to the extreme cornered of the island.
Just enjoy the scenery here :3
Wow, my wild idea started to kick in. Just too bad...
Nice beautiful rock formation which I can see them clearly.
Alright! Time to go back and check on BB, I was not properly equipped (shoes) then bring him to Lazarus Island.

Mr Sun was not welcomed to BB, as he hates Mr Sun. Hahaha!
Oh yes! It was low tide!
It was also beautiful here. Oh man! I wanted to go there but I will leave it for another day.
:) I guess I will visit here again.
Hey, BB. Welcome to Lazarus Island! Insert FF7 music Costa Del Sol
Everyone seemed spread out here :)
Less litter was perfect!
I guessed... I am too shy to remove my clothes while beautiful people around
(Thanks BB for the shots) I covered myself with my mat, so that I can get even tanned.
From the look of the weather, Miss Sky won't have plan for rain.
Lonely Kusu Island. :) Sometimes, it will be great to just go there to tan too but ST John and Lazarus seemed to have a plenty of new things for discovery.
You know like places like here. :D I decided to keep it a secret and decided to explore further.
BB can't stand Mr Sun and wanted to hide under the shade. For me :D Way down to the secret place
Hehehe Selfie moment.
Since no one was here, time to...
Become Beach Boy! Fat Untoned Bxtch Boy.
Lazarus Island seems like a rocky shore/island.
Yup. It is. Boats will need to take note of this area.
Let's go explore further together!
A huge rock sits by the beach for like many many years, watching over Kusu Island.
And trapped some water here. It seemed like when the tide returned, it will cover most of the stone here.
Or maybe we can't even see this rock at all when high tide
Even this dead tree/wood/plant will also sit there to challenge their age.
Other living plants will outgrow one another
Sometimes overgrew too far out and dried up by Mr Sun.
Staying under a shade seemed better
Under protection and be safe
My closest distance I can get to Kusu Island by foot.
Check out the water here :3 So CLEAN!
Here got a lot of fallen trees
What a similar experience from yesterday hike (blog post here)
Clear water which allows us to see what still remains in the pool of water
Oooo I spotted a fish here! Can you spot it?
Oh man, I didn't bring my phone along, if not, I can capture this scene properly. This fish wasn't shy at all. Perhaps the Sun was too bright which blinded that fish from looking up.
Found some short cave here but I won't step in because... SANDFLY! They will love such place, I will be a fool to step in there!
I will rather stick to the bright and windy area.
Before this shot, there was an eagle resting on this fallen tree, and sadly, I missed that moment.
It is a big tree though, so I needed to get closer to capture that eagle in my shot. Anyway, let's go further more.
whenever I see a fallen tree, I will always be reminded that one of my respectable mentors said, "SG trees' root system are short."
Another word, he meant our soul searching homework is lacking and we are not aware of our weak foundation (our seriousness and faith are not strong) I guess he is right. It serves as a reminder for me to work harder.
Usually we always hang our root in the air, thinking we are okay... but we don't know that we are protected/covered/blessed by a bigger tree from Mr Sun's direct light. I think we have to work hard upon ourselves.
This is one great example.
Big tree but do you see the root system here?
There is a big gap from the ground to the root. Danger sign. OOPS! Sorry! I got carried away by my thought.
Let's get back to the beach again
Interesting sea anemone here
Checking this rock formation, it has been here for centuries!
WOW! A Whole BEACH here is MINE! ALL MINE!
Check out this area!
First time standing in a calm sea water, which reflects like a mirror. And because it was still, the water was warm. :D LOVE THIS ONE!
Beautiful Beach
Too bad, BB was not here, can't angle my camera. Oh well.
I love this place so much
OH! There is some more over there! But I will stop here and leave it until next time :D
Let's try to take some pictures and return. I took a long time here already.
And Take a few pictures with the short root fallen tree.
Good lesson here.
Time to return to BB and bring him to somewhere else for a proper sun tan
I brought BB to that abandoned house, where I wanted to take some pictures here.

It seemed like it has new cover to prevent water damage.
But not everywhere.
I just wanted to transform to....
Spideryboi! Hahaha
Since I brought the suit in my bag, must as well just put it up and take a few pictures here before this building is gone.
After inspection, it was safe as no one around. Let's return to ST John Beach for sun tan.
But I forgot one thing...
It was low tide so... can't dip here at all.
Oh well... I also forgot to bring extra towel/mat to lay down on the beach... So I returned to the shade and just chilled there before the next ferry to Kusu Island.

Welcome to Kusu Island :)
Don't need proper introduce. This area here was used to host many abandoned tortoises and caused a lot of issues... So this way without any tortoise is the best option.
A bit of write up about this island :)
(thanks BB for helping) I will never fail to take a picture with this tortoise :)
(Thanks BB) Perhaps I should give other tortoise a chance too.
Honestly, the water is cleaner and smoother than ST John Island.
While waiting for BB to return from toilet, I will just get ready to sun tan and swim in the water.
And a picture before I swam
(Thanks BB for volunteering) Breathe in and pose.
(Thanks BB) Have you captured the shots?
(Thanks BB) Smile :D
(Thanks BB) I guessed... I am just too short to pose like other demi gods... Oh well, I can't change much... Just be myself.
(Thanks BB for not being judgmental) At least, BB, you don't mind helping me for pictures.
(Thanks BB) Just enjoy the moment and heck care. I am today Beachboy.
(Thanks BB) To leave my foot print on this beach temporary.
High Tide returned and took over that new hidden beach. I will be back again.
Thanks BB for accompanying me today, hope you have a good time yourself.
Next time no more Monday leave for Island Visit, I will take Tuesday or Wednesday to avoid Long weekend like-minded people


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