Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Personal - Someone Impersonation

Hi Blog...

These few days, I received many random users's private message on my social media, email and line... I don't know them but all of politeness so I will reply back. Then... through the conversation... they were asking for a hook up which I rejected them because I don't go into hook up no matter that person is a gal or guy... and one of them told me... then why do I share my pictures on a forum advertising myself?

I requested a screenshot and out of my fear! My most of pictures were shared and even my private life pictures too... Worst of all, my face was not even covered.
This person, Easy man, was impersonating as me! If you clicked on his username, most of his profile info all directed to me...

What?! No wonder, I got attention from random people! My blog view count is usually low, barely anyone will even want to read my blog, and suddenly, these two/three months it got increased. I was wondering why? Now I know the reason because someone impersonated me! If they are trying to make friends that I am fine. I won't mind making genuine friends no matter who they are. But besides hook up which I have zero interest with, my greatest inferior bombardation reloaded!

In my previous post 2019 (here), I got really tired with those craps... I had deleted my social medias - Twitter and Tumblr... I feel so disgusted with myself... And after knowing my blog also received many negative and unwanted attentions. I was about to click that delete button on my blog...

but honestly, I had spent a lot of effort on writing my blog, to share my life to my blog or to someone who cares... I am not having a blog to look for hook up or any attention because I am not worthy enough to be like those demi-buffed gods out there... where people worshipped them. Whoever doing that, I know they are either lying to me and having a personal objective, or superficial level of communication which actually drain me greatly...

I had ENOUGH! Please stop everyone... Leave me alone. Especially people like Easy_man. Please... Why are you doing this? Do you know it will cost the risk of losing my job instantly because you painted me under a wrong light. I see that you followed/read my blog, is that what you want to do? Revenge? I am really don't know what you want... Then I also found you also have another account in other forum

I had no one to turn to or discuss with... especially things like this... Not many people in my life know I write a blog... even my mother doesn't even bother and my good friend will want to stain their eyes browsing my blog...

Lucky, there was someone whom I know, who will help me and walk through this experience together. He helped me to make report to the admin and I also registered as member to rise this issue too.
Thanks Admin for giving him some time to remove the posts... Even though I heard from my friend that admin felt that I deserved this. Honestly... I can't disagree with the admin... He is right... I shared my pictures online and I must understand the risk of it... Honestly... I am not blaming him for using my pictures... I am just hoped that person will respect my privacy and understand the aftermath over his action... We are all adults and he is behind screen and has zero damage while I am out in the open...
Anyway... No matter what... I will make my move and yes...

He was banned from posting anymore. But don't know why... I kept on blaming myself.. for.. for giving him the troubles... but at the same time, my friend reminded me, I have all the right to tell him to remove the pictures and doxxing (more info about doxxing) to my life.
Oh well... Justice was done. He was gone... I don't know how he feels towards this... I know he will be angry but I won't apologise for this time. I hope easy man can be sensitive towards whatever he had done.

Even though, the matter had been settled... But the urge and fear remained... I wondered... what was his motive? What he gained from this? I shall publicise my blog again, and we learn to move on. Even though, I see it as a negative impact to my life... But I was reminded again... ask myself...

"Hey, Jeff. You think again? Why would a person impersonate you? because you have the market for people to impersonate you! Imagine if that person just picked any random person, will he get the attention he wants? etc etc"

I understand my friend meant well. I shall consider that too. Anyway... It was one deeply impacted my life experience... I hope everyone can learn something from these experiences... Remember... Whatever you posted online, belongs to the public... But you have the choice on how to treat this info/pic and we need to think on that person's shoes...

For easy_man, I hope you are alright and let's move on from here... I hope you don't do that anymore and thanks for following my blog if you are still bothered reading this. I am always here if you want to chat.


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