Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Jogging - October Jog

Hi Blog,

Even though I am not a fast or even long distance jogger but I like to jog or perhaps just sweat it out. October already, lets make sure I continue jogging and make one trisuit theme too.

Time to jog!

I won't know what will happen to me next time... what if I can't jog anymore?

1st Oct 2020 - Some preview of my newer trisuit theme and it is on its way to completion. Boring! HAHA! Only stupid boring me will do that.
6th Oct 2020 - Wow! Completed two trisuit theme today! :)
More to come!
13th Oct 2020 - Deciding whether today I can become a potato or go for a jog... I guess I force myself to roost the potato with sweat.
15th Oct 2020 - One of my ultimate jog when I took so many pictures for my trisuit theme. Will continue to use that as my motivated.
27th Oct 2020 - So fortunate to have HD to send me home early so that I can go for an early jog and back for dinner and rest before meeting. :)

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