Saturday, October 31, 2020

Personal - Mini Halloween Party

Hi Blog,

Recently I experienced frequent migraine these days... Wanted to go for a morning hike but I wanted to narrow down the possible causes of my migraine. Is it due to tiredness? These days (working hours) I will feel tired eyes and headache... Once I power napped for 10 mins, I felt better.
Today was Saturday and I will try to see it is tiredness apart from work and long hours of screen staring.
Today event was to have a mini Halloween Party with M and my sister since this 2020 doesn't have Halloween Night Celebration.
I was wondering what to wear for Halloween Party... Private but at least some alternative to celebrate the festive.
OH YES! I know what to wear for tonight event!
Yes :D As Spidey!
And I went to carousel and search for "faceshell" for Spiderman. Oh! mine! I found one seller named D (link) selling his faceshell and the price for that particular faceshell seems like a good deal. His quick response also a blessing.

D told me that he will fetch his wife to her workplace nearby and will drive down to my place to let me test it. That was so thoughtful and much appreciated; can you imagine if you have to spend nearly 250++ to make a faceshell but what if you provided a bigger/smaller face size (everyone has a different kind of faceshape too)? Then you will be wasting 250+... Plus I am just a casual Spidey cosplayer so I will not want to spend so much too but also want to look slightly professional too.

While testing it, D shared with me his experience while he was in Spiderman costume. The fear and embarrassment are inevitable but once he put on the mask, people do not look at him as D, people look at him as Spiderman. That is encouraging. :)

He even volunteered to visit some kids in hospital to boost their mood. I will like to do that one day.

D brought three of his faceshells for me to try! Make a guess which one I will pick?
First faceshell - it looks nice with Strong magnet is wonderful!
Second faceshell - Interesting big lenses and look cartoonist.
Third faceshell - One of the solid, full covered faceshell. One of the heaviest (not that heavy) among all three.
Make a guess, which one will I pick?  later I will reveal.

I helped M to setup a simple Halloween backdrop and honestly... I was impressed with myself and wanted to do more, but it was a simple catchup session so simple and easily removal will do.
Smile, everyone! Instead of dressing like a demon, I picked a halo for myself. :D
Time to dress up as...
Flat-chested Spiderman. How I wish I can be more muscular. So... Have you guessed which one I picked?
YES! I picked the second one. :D The big lenses faceshell! I love how "alert" the lenses showed on my face.
Come on M! Let's strike a pose!
With my sister and she just stood there.
Even with her friend, everyone stood like a log.
Maybe should position the camera at the better angle.
Spidey's free promotion for random unknown product. Haha
Like what D told me, once you wore a Spidey suit, you are not yourself, you will become Spiderman.
I guess D is right :) I have never felt so spidey, perhaps because I got a perfect faceshell and positive thought.
Last snaps me as a full suit as Spiderman. How do I look like?
I guessed Spiderman is not suitable for Halloween night. Then I shall become a crazy killer.
Let M's nephew to try out the mask, glad he enjoyed it and had fun.
It got rather late after cleaning up. On my way back on an empty bus, great to be alone.
They claimed today will have a blue moon (news link and here) oh well... skip.
I guess I will sell this faceshell away. I will keep one faceshell will do.
The day when Spidey taking a break
Trying to rest the whole Sunday to observe my migraine condition. I suspected might due to my mask - my hot breathe irritates my eyes which caused my migraine these days. So today will be my resting day.
Even though this year did not have any Halloween Night Celebration like I used to, but it helped me to save some money and be ready for next celebration. Who knows that I can bring M to there?


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