Sunday, December 27, 2015

Personal - December Gatherings

Hi Blog,

Sorry that I have not been posting anything to you during December. There were a lot of happenings, events and matters to attend - Like my Best friend just passed away...... I was there for almost every night (stay overnight to guard, songs leading and gave support)

I won't comment much... We will carry on her duties as if she was alive. 
Beside feeling down, there are things we should do - like some gatherings that we have. Trampoline! I wore the Baymax T-shirt (thanks bro for buying this from Taiwan) This was my third time going to a trampoline park, this situated near Rivervalley. (address) Very inconvenient location.

Me and two big black nipples
This place rather small as compared to other parks which I went to.
It is in a school hall, previously was Nan Chiau School.
I remembered my first trampoline experience, by jumping for five-ten mins, you will be perspiring and
any bad injuries that you had previously will start to haunt you. Strangely, this third round, I don't feel anything.
Welfie time!
After an hour of trampolining, we changed to dry clothing for dinner. 
Have dinner at Green Dot (address)
Wonderful Vegetarian food place.  
From the smiles, you know you will be expecting good food!

Beside Trampolining, I will not miss the chance to catch up with my ex-students for swim.

Thanks God for sunny weather. (but nope.... it rained.......)
Great to meet them again.
Another gathering was to help Engkiat tidying up his place. I can't believe I have not gone back home for two nights. A small group of friends have HTHT (Heart To Heart Talk session)

And a simple Christmas gathering - Movie IP man 3 and gift exchange.

Oh Man, The movie - IP man 3, was a nice movie, with Epic fights. Hahaha no time to review it but it was a movie you should not miss. 

It was great to hang out together as a group which we enjoy one another company. Hopefully there will be more before my Extrovert habit kicks in. :) 


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