Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Food - Non-Baking CheeseCake making

Dear Blog,

Today I am going to share with you a simple CheeseCake which doesn't require any baking, all you need is to use necessary tool to complete the making. Credit to HJ, who surely know how to cook and she cooks well.

Okay lets' start!

one and half cups of Sugar
Digestive biscuit (hmmmm I forgot the amount)
grind it!
It should be fine.
Half of butter
Melt it
until it liquidized.
Pour it together with the grind biscuit.
Mix it well
Pour it onto an aluminium plate 
flatten it
Cover it with a plastic sheet and leave it in the fridge.
Move on to the next step.
Whip-cheese they said.
two of these cream.
start whisk process
spin spin spin.....
add sugar and whisk it (may need to repeat this step a few times)
Side note: We can also add in Vanilla Essence (a few drop) into the mix.
Oh it is mixing well!
DONE! Beautiful outcome. 
Add in two yogurts - plain one tastes interesting, or you can try with other favour.  
Mix it. Hmmmm a lot of Mixing involved in the making.
Pour out the yogurt mix on top of the biscuit.
leave it in the fridge for three/four hours before serving.

Oh dear... I forgot to take a picture of the final outcome of the Cheese Cake. Will post the final product next time if I got chance.

But it tastes like an Yogurt-Cream-Cake. Personally I feel the biscuit part is a bit loosely, I guess if it is replaced with something more solid like cake will be better! :D Well... Since it was titled as non-baking Cheese cake and It works :)

Thank you HJ for it.   


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