Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cycling - Wear whatever I Want

Hi blog,

Just a short ranting post. Today I decided to cycle to my workplace, and decided to wear my white jersey.

But recently it has been raining during evening time, and I was right. The storm was coming.

So I just took some pictures and selfies hahaha!

Because I doubt I will wear white jersey out infront of anyone. I know it is awkward and awful. Seriously can't stop liking white...

Well... Actually, depends on how you see it. For me, I just like white and be proud of it. If you don't like, doesn't mean I should fit your like. I know it is a bit embarrassing that my little brother was shown (i know I was a bit hard-on that time) and not well endowed. Hey! At least I learn to stand up on my feet strong and be myself.

What? That is homosexual behaviour? Attract the wrong audience?

To be honest, I doubt any girl will like such ugly people like me to pose like that. My intention is to try to take a good selfie and as natureal as possible. Even though I might attract wrong audiences, well at least there is one thing I know - at least they show appreciation.

Because I appreciate anyone in anyway. I don't judge or stereotype anyone.

Oops! Hahaha! Sorry blog. Not that you will judge. I just share with you how I feel toward people who judge. Anyway... Thanks, God and my HOD for allowing me to cycle home earlier to avoid rain.

The rain seems like raining somewhere.

Trying to carry my fatbike
Finally, a shot of me hold up my fatbike with one hand! :)

At least end of the day, I am me, I am who I am. I am Jeff. Like or don't like, most importantly I must like myself.

Be proud and strong! Jeff. Thanks, Blog for listening


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