Thursday, September 17, 2015

Personal - Silent Hazy Singapore

Hi blog,

Sorry I have been busy on my project recently, don't have time to update you. Today post is a short one.
PSLE LC. Helping to ensure the combo set is working 
Recently the haze (burning trees at Indonesia) comes back again. Last year the haze PSI reached nearly 300, giving a lot of people difficult in breathing. These few days, the haze came back and clouded the whole sky with grayish tone, making Singapore into Silent Hill.

Haha why silent hill? Because silent hill movie/game situated in a foggy world and the haze reminds us as if we are there now - confused and lost.

Look at the condition right now, and the overall view of the situation. You can even smell the smoke in the room. Funny things are, the air purifier has become the highly demanding product which used to be left-in-shelves, followed by mask. The salesmen are the happiest ones with the amount of cash entering to their pocket.

And The schools are preparing if haze PSI hit > 300, which means school will close until further notice, despite of it will cause more harm to our bodies but many students are actually praying for that to happen for that to happen. Sigh.... Mankind only care for themselves.

But there are some interesting posts from creative people who try to spice up the situation by making funny posts like these below (images credit to their own and from Mothership)

Hahaha very creative! I shall make my own :) here is mine!

Attack on Titan XD ! I feel I made some mistakes in editing... Well I will try to make it better next time.
See you :D Blog

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