Sunday, September 6, 2015

Cook - Marinated Soft Boiled Lava Eggs Success

Hey Blog,

Just to keep you update! I managed to get the timing right for preparing the Soft Boiled Lava Eggs! After my third attempts! 

Check out the outcome!

I must say it is not that bad! Hahaha

But marinated sauce is a bit too salty. I guess I didn't put enough water to dilute it. Will try again.

Oh yeah! I have not updated you about my second attempts. I failed to cook succesfully because the water was not fully boiled yet and I took them out after 5mins which was too short. I failed 14 eggs during that process... And I only left four eggs to re-boil it again.... I had to eat all 14 eggs because it was too soft... I was nearly fainted...

That was the remaining four eggs after master the boiling and timing.

I will make some more for friends :) hope they will like it!


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