Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cycling - A long break

Hi Blog,

It has been four weeks, I have not cycled at all due to haze and projects! now my tummy is getting ROUNDER! well... Who cares anyway.....

Just look at my forced smile. Hahaha... whenever I go to my quiet place... I feel peaceful and lonely. (I am used to it) That is life I guess.

Well... I have no regret to be Honest, and on-the-ground. Since my Mrs-Right is constantly flying, hunting. I will only wish for the best for her. At time, the Volcano song will come into my mind too.

Anyway, I will live on in what I always want to do!

Looking at my tired sweaty legs - I know I need to continue to cycle :D FIGHTING!

Look how nerdy and plain looking I am! Hahahah... I don't care - I am who I am!

Thank you Spider for entertained me ")

I shall continue to do my reading.


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