Saturday, September 5, 2015

Trip - Hike Up to the Summit

Hi Blog,

Today I catch up with K and he wanted to train himself for some outdoor adventurous activities - Mountain trekking. He is very on! So we decided to hike from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah at a fast pace.

We completed the 12 km course within 2 hours. we were crazy enough to go up to the summit of Bukit Timah where I have not been there before. We had to conquer the VERY steep slope and short stairs; what made it challenging, was that we were very tired already. Hahahah

at least we still managed to climb up to the summit. Based on my past experience in mountain climbing.... I doubt I am strong enough to challenge any more mountains... At least Bukit timah :)

Smile for the pic, SELFIE!

Ked and me in messy hair
Funny K and my neatly tidy hair 
It is a short post. :) Nothing much to say and it is tiring but I enjoy the hike


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