Thursday, September 24, 2015

Cycling - Northwest Challenge and Haze Attack

Hi blog,

Yesterday I cycled to north and stayed over at Peter's place. Thanks for his willingness to let me put my dirty fatbike at his kitchen. Cycled 15km up to his place, was okay. I can manage that because the next day, I was going to challenge northwest route. 

I napped out the possible route in which also synced on runkeeper app. The northwest route is around 45km. Honestly, I was hesitating whether should I do it or not.... But I have to, if not, I will just feed my laziness. 

So... Let's do it! I started runkeeper under Peter house at 7:54am. Haze condition in the morning was around PSI 150. Hope it won't get worse.

Hahaha and don't forget to selfie :) 

From this point onward, it is a new unexplored location and the haze started to get denser. Well... Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Finally! I reached this bridge myself! This was my third times passing over this bridge - two times were traveling for tomb sleeping and that was quite some time ago - as now no more tomb sleeping but "temple visit".

Overview of the haze condition. Oh my it was getting worse.... I was half way there... I can't turn back or give up now...

Look at the Muslims :) despite of the haze condition, it has not stopped them from attending this ceremony. 

Sungei Boleh Westland Reserve. I must visit this place again. After cycled past some farms, I stopped by an abandoned block which currently used as army training zone. Look cool and eerie if you are left alone there.

Anyway let's take a break... I realized my energy level can't last me for two hours... The bike started to weight heavier... Not sure it's my fatbike or my legs... It starts to feel so heavy to ride.

Dehydrated myself and selfie :3 wait a min...I didn't click on "resume" on the app!!!

Look like I teleported! Oh my! My 1hr plus distance wasn't recorded. Oh dear...

Okay... No choice. Lesson learned and Let's resume.

The haze was getting worse now, I can smell the burning from the air. So tired now... But I had to continue.

After another 1hr 30mins I was about to cycle on park connectors and an abandoned petrol station.

Let's pump some petrol to ride home. I wish....

Yippee! Zoo! But I can't cycle anymore... I walked and dragged my bike... My legs can't take it...

The last hour I walked and then cycled, and walked again. Was it because of my bike or it is normal for rider to feel heavy in petaling? Hope someone can answer me... I know you have a road bike, you won't have such issue. I am not as rich as you. 

Anyway finally reached under my block, after 4 hours plus of cycling, achievement unlocked! I know I am slow! WHO CARES?! I DID IT! so I rewarded myself a decent lunch and 100 plus to recharge my body. 

Once I reached home, bathed and slept until evening time... Look at the haze condition! I read from tv - it was 300+ already!

It was evening time and I just needed some rest!

Never mind... I shall carry on sleeping and went to NTUC with my mother. 

Smile! And suffered sore throat right now...

Taking strepsils to relieve my throat even though it wasn't helping much. Going to fall sick sooner...

Funny thing was today 25th of September 2015, MOE announced school closure due to haze dangerous level and this morning, the weather condition 360-degree changed! Haha what a joke!


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