Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hobby - Kick Start my Old Hobby - Jogging

Hey Blog,

Yesterday I wanted to start my jogging exercise but it rained, so let the weather wins this time. But for today! Heaven took care of me and allowed me to pick up jogging as my first new year resolution beside cycle. Since I got myself a 2xu trisuit then I should make full use of it.

Honestly it is difficult to kick start another activity for me. I felt that i have to do something this year, at least keep fit! 

Sometimes I just wanted to lay down and admire the sky but no... Butt up! Keep my lazy legs up!

But I hesitated awhile... As the sky was getting darker which reminds me of the past horrible dark experience.... When I jogged into Macritchite then the whole evening turned pitch dark when I was in the trail... Scary...

While I was thinking and calculating the amount of time to complete the course and decided - come on! Go go!!!

So I started jogging!!! But... My legs suddenly turned jelly on me...

I can't believe that... Rest first... Is it because I am too used to cycle and my legs can't process jogging?

I doubt so... I believe it's my weak legs and lack of frequent cycling last year too.

So okay! Breathe in and breathe out. Jog! No time to waste!

POWER UP! Give me all the power!!!! AIR! FIRE! WATER! WIND!

Go! Hyper-speed run! (Fake one!)

Staring at the trail. I don't care anymore and jogged my way through!

Finally done! I will do it more often!

[updated on 25 Feb]

I did another round of jogging but it turned out walking exercise haha
My legs is too sored haha! well I will carry this habit. Jia you Jeff! You can do it! Right? Blog!

Pose for the day! :)

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