Friday, February 6, 2015

Movie Review - Jupiter Ascending

Hey blog,

Today I went for a movie session with Jared. Thanks Jared for accompanying me. I am glad he still wants to bond again.


Here come my movie review about the new sci-fic movie - Jupiter Ascending. I love sci-fic movie because it gives us imaginations - living in another world, another possible technology, another races, different reasonings and many more. This is the trailer from that movie.

Let's break down my review, I will start with the good points first.


CGI Graphic - Awesome!

This one captures my attention.
I love how their weapon or some parts of the machine just float along with the craft. 
Breath taking moment in the movie. I wonder how 3D will look like.
Feel like playing a game!
Gundam maybe? Hahaha
Check this GCI city, nice. 
Hmmm Because the movie is titled Jupiter so lets have Jupiter in the scene...
How I wish I can experience the world where there are AI around working together with us.
Look at how VAST the space it is.
The awesomeness is indescribable, Especially their spacecrafts and city! It reminds me of the final fantasy realms! It gives us a space of unlimited imaginations of the possible dimensions. oh? why similar to final fantasy? Check this out!

This is one of the city in FF series. Very cool!
Check those wings, similar to their spacecrafts.
The spread of its wings have similar traits.

Action scenes - Confusing....

WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE along the street?
Honestly, Even thought the GCI is awesome but.... the whole action scene is VERY confusing. You can't even know what or who or which. It is just like an action rampage that you don't even know what is going on..... Even though the flying boots are COOL but...... the whole action scenes have NO "People" around at all. Like they are cutting off most those extra actors (people).


Music - Epic!

The musics or sound tracks are epic nice! I won't comment further, I will say they did it well. Here are my favourite sound tracks.

They are able to capture the whole awesomeness moments.

I will say this soundtrack is my favourite because of its epic-ness! Especially 4:25 mins onwards


Storyline - Rojak (Malay means "mixed) and too Rushing....

This lady was the one who seeded Earth to harvest human for longevity. 
Three siblings whom confused me in the beginning of the movie, thinking that we already knew those characters...
From the left, elder son Balem, who speaks  weirdly like as if someone constantly squeezing his balls..
the middle, Titus, handsome and charming who enjoys having sex EVERYDAY...
The right, Kalique, looks like an old woman who I don't even care about...
This is Jupiter, stupid name.. why not Lily or Alice or random girls' name?  
This is Caine, the Hunk warrior to protect Jupiter. I can't help to hate his brownish eye brows... 
Basically Human is unaware that they are being seeded on Earth by families of some random alien royalty - Abrasax. Their purpose is to harvest human serum which allows them to live forever. After their mother died (killed by someone obviously), they have a war over the whole family business. They come to aware that Earthling has a beautiful girl who somehow holds the same genetic DNA print whose named Jupiter (after finished the whole movie, I find this name has NOTHING to do with the planet Jupiter, even though they have planet Jupiter in the movie, but it has NO BUSINESS at all...) who is working as a cleaner and hate her life.

Balem sent killers to remove her from getting the right to take back Earth,

Titus sent Caine to protect Jupiter and so that he can marry her to get the rights.

and Kalique sent secret agents and spies to bring Jupiter to her, to convince Jupiter to be partner.

Generally each of them have their own adjectives to get the right of Earth to harvest human for their longevity. While Jupiter has no idea what is going on, and Caine trying his best to save her (generally love her) , the movie plot didn't have time to build the characters well or did a proper closure at all... At certain you will see certain character, then after awhile, that character was gone and untold.

And Jupiter seems to "grow up" within a day, able to handle her fear and whatever. Usually if a random girl who got a chance to travel through space and aware of the SHIT that she is getting herself into, I doubt she can recover herself SO FAST to deal with these three forces. Sick..... just make me sick...

Not to forget to mention the FORCED love relationship between Jupiter and Caine... I feel like watching Twilight again... Kill me man. It looks like Jupiter can't wait to get married with someone... In the movie she seems like flirting with Caine...

In many situations she could have KILLED herself but there is always a SUPERHERO to come in for the rescue...
They seems like RUSHING everything into this two hours movie.... That is not very smart.... I really hope they can do this story properly.


Acting - Too awkward

Their acting is just too plain... Even the bad villains' acting are just too awkward... not much character in it. Except Balem, the REAL bad guy in the movie, even though his acting is weird, but challenging and unnecessary. He is a Best actor but this time no no....


Other Contents - Quite Interesting

There are many things worth to be mentioned, like they tried to link up Aliens (which we know it somehow) to this movie.

Like how the crop circle was formed, why they wiped out the dinosaurs and how come we don't remember seeing those creatures etc etc. I will say they did it well.

The extraterrestrial beings appearance are also quite cool, that is why I love Sci-fic movies.

Lizard beings - Quite cool
Did you see the alien at the right side? the Grey alien
Random Sheep beings
Owl - Bird face. Oops!
Elephant... Indian God????


While finding for images to post in my blog, I found many artist illustration on Jupiter Ascending. They are Beautifully drawn. (you don't say)


Reviews from YouTubers


2.8/5 - It's Okay to miss it

"The CGI is awesome, music is great and action scene are cool, but the storyline .... Nah... They have strong background but too weak in presentation and character development, and there are so many parts of the plot needs to be sum up or make us care for, but it didn't - it is just a whole junk of things mixed together which you cannot care anymore, especially forced romance... Doesn't work out, just like twilight. But this is a great sci-fic movie which I always like to watch, if you don't like sci-fic and expect great story, just give this movie a miss."

I don't own any of pictures, Credit to those whoever owns/copyright those pictures


  1. There are good things in it, like the visuals, the action sequences, and some of the performances. But for the most part, it’s just a mess and that’s mainly because of the story being more complicated than it really needed to be.

    1. :) I am totally agree with what you said, I was totally enjoyed the CGI and action in that movie. I just felt disappointed they didn't make time to build up enough on the characters. :) But thanks for reading through my post. :D


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