Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cycling - Reconnection

Hey Blog

Today I try to wake up early to cycle but I drag here and there on my bed. Eventually I am still go to my quiet place and reconnect with nature, feeling is great!

I wear my black Spiderman jersey and read my book. There is a family passed by and their kid comments, "look! Daddy! Spiderman tshirt!" Haha he is cute :)

It has been a while since a long break. Love the quietness of this place. :3 Can selfie with no issue.

Do my Spiderman suit look nice? too bad the GoPro has zero battery life... -.-'''

Anyway most importantly is to reconnect again and did my prayer there, after cycling, washing my bike is a must especially Chinese New Year is coming up.

Yes it is kind of dirty so let's bath it! Have a good weekend. Blog


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