Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Cycling - Tron Custom Cycling Jersey Design Update (Part 5)

Hi Blog,

Short update about my Tron Custom Cycling Jersey.

After knowing that lady quit, the new sale person took over her. He contacted me and asked me about which back design I actually want.

I was confused when He sent me this and wanted me to choose A or B.

then I realised the weird rectangle design is the back pocket and I should make it the same. Well... it is too late... So I requested the designer to remove the black part as the picture showed below.

I actually can see the effort that the designer has done for me when I looked at design B. :) Appreciate it.

By the way, Blog! I received comments from bloggers about my jersey! I am so happy! Some even hope to see Tron Soldier Red design. I think I know my next project :3


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