Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cycling - My Fat bike - XDS Warlora Fat Bike

Hi Blog,

Time to share with you about myFat bike experience

- A little history how I fell in love with Fat bike 

Before March 2014, I remembered when I was about to get a bike for myself, I asked around for advise which bike should I go for: MTB or Roadbike? My brother, Yaoming said, "depend on individual and usage." Then I started to answer myself, "I am going for stability and endurance. Love bike with good suspension so that I can do a mini jump." So MTB became my first choice of transportation tool. (Previous posts - my first wife and second wife, Whitey and got stolen) 

One day, my friend mentioned about getting a bike from Taobao, where you can get an affordable price range. So I started to browse through and filtered my choice by opening new tab. Until I saw a mother of tire - Fat bike! It captured all my attention! Personally I am the kind of person love unique item. I tried to expand my search on Fat bike in Taobao and other websites to compare the price.


- A price comparison about Fat bike 

Taobao price range from S$700 above (except shipping fee) but they only have limited Fatbikes choices in their list during April 2014 and while other sites where sell Fat bikes at the range from S$1200 above. Oh my God! It is too much! :(

Even on eBay or togopart, selling Fat bikes in Singapore was rare and expensive! The shipping fee alone can kill me! How I wish there are some bike stalls will sell Fat bikes hence it is not common locally.

But! God granted my wish, I found a bike stall at Pasir Ris, Eillas Mall selling a fat bike!!!

What make it so desirable is the price! I thought it will sell like more than S$1200 but I was shocked! They sell this fatty for S$800!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! Let me breathe some air! The price is fair and decent for such beautiful bike! My friend also helped me to search for fat bike and he sent me a Warmart link which sells for S$400 but but but... If you compare the nice beautiful finishing, colour and style, this Warlora fat bike wins! So eventually I endured the pain in my wallet and purchased my first fatty. XD 

Thanks Mother for allowed me to keep in house.
Thanks God and my mother to allow me to keep it inside house. Safe!


 - Why Fat bike?

Hi Honey, my beloved Fat bike
Based on my initial preference as my choice, stability and durability. Next are style and uniqueness

According to some website describing Fat bike, the epic proportions of a fat bike, it will take only one ride to understand it’s appeal. The ultra 4inch wide tires create huge traction on any slick and loose surfaces - sandy, rocky, muddy and even stair terrains. Although it maybe heavier than most bikes and turn slowly, speed isn’t the point anymore. Stability (riding) is the key factor why I choose fat bike. 

Tires comparison
The massive volume of the tires allows me to run low air pressures to sail through any kind of impassable terrains, which is what I love fat bike! But I won't go and test my bike because it is my precious. :3 But you can watch the video below, to understand what isa Fatbike capable of.

The thick tire made the bikes more maneuverable and easier to steer. It is A FUN BIKE! Riding one makes you feel like you’re kid again.

The children bike has certain features like fat bike
Speaking about style and uniqueness, I always love things which has a good strong base power. Fat bike thick and fat tire simply draws attention whether you like it or not. I can guarantee you that wherever you ride to, you will definitely receive comments like, "wow!","cool bike","what the xxxx did you see that?","why is the tire so thick?","is it heavy?" Etc etc. only in Singapore because it is not a common bike, unlike other countries where got snow and mountains.

But it does has its cons. Weight and Speed are the major drawbacks of Fat bike. Personally I have not weighted my fat bike yet, but I feel it will weight from 18-20kg++. The speed will be 20% (maybe speed 20-23km/hr) slower than MTB (maybe can hit 25 - 35km/hr). Not to talk about comparing to Roadbike where they can hit above 40km/hr. And you can't compare sport car speed with a tank, as they serve different purpose. :)

Let's conquer the road together. Fatty
Well, You can't have best in both world hence I just go for stability, uniqueness and fit in my own personality, and fat is with my name. I am a fat man!


The one I have is Warlora 1, honestly, I don't have or can't find any information about this warlora model but it has other better series. (Updated on 10th may 2015: I found a site for Fatbike :D )

Warlora 2 - Red version. Oh God so nice. S$1200
Warlora 3! WHITE VERSION!!! S$1500 (No more in production)

XDS comes out a newer version and not named as Warlora. This costs S$1500

Latest Model Warlora unknown version but very NICE. 

For more writeup about Fat Bike, you may spare some time in this well-written article site: thelazyrando And This forum or check out the review from Global Cycling. Oh yes! You can even purchase an affordable fatbike from I need a / MonsterBicycles here.



  1. Nice review and ride bro.....
    I owned 2 for myself and the other one for my son.
    Thought of getting XDS Warlord ! on April.
    Ride safe!!

    1. :D Thank you! Hisham. I didn't know my post will be read by others. You have two fatties? Nice! :D any chance I can take a look?

    2. Hi bro,
      Yup I have 2 fatties...Monster Spartan and my bro in law has Sarma full carbon *gulp* and that cost him close to 6.3k....
      How can I show you the pict of my fatties?

    3. WOW! CARDON FAT BIKE! ENvy him. Spartan is good too :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Jeffery Wong,

    Nice Bike and Nice Blog !

    Can you give me more details about the size as well?

    I ususally like Unique, Big and Bulky stuff.. Does it look bigger than normal Moutain/Road bike or is it smaller in size ?

    1. I found this detail from the manufacturer

      Hope it helps :)

  4. hi,any idea wat shud i get 4 a first fat bike?i oli bother abt nice colour combination , brand nt so impt,thanks

    1. Hi :) Hmmm are you local, Singaporean?

      If not, you can try XDS brand bike, they have very nice colour combination or TaoBao China website.

    2. If you are Local -Singaporean. I will suggest you can try Carousel.

  5. ok bro,i go check out nw,tks 4 ur swift reply

  6. Replies
    1. OOps so sorry I was away these few days.
      Yes Carousel sells 2nd and New Fat bike. :D

      There are many good ones to get at good price!


    im getin thier bike,nt much option i hv,fat bike al very exp

    1. Yes :D Get from monsterbicycle :) the boss is very friendly and kind. :) Do post a picture of it. :D

      Hope to see you on pavement

  8. Replies
    1. Hahaha... let me see.
      You can share in your google+ account. :-)
      (by clicking on your own username "sumersnowz")

  9. Hi is their any FAT BIKE GROUP that I can join??Thank.

    1. Yes :) Which one you are looking at? Singapore Fat Bike group?


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