Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Blog - Merry Christmas :)

Merry Christmas Blog!

Thanks for being a reading pal for me for these period.
I don't have any present from anyone and can't afford a present for you too. 
All I can do is to post regularly :)

Just to share with you something interesting and some images shared by my friends in whatapps.

You may view this on your phone :) I doubt you want to try this on your computer screen! Hahaha

Great quote :)

I wonder why Santa has to be fat? Is he represents an icon of rich that is why he gives out gifts?

Bling bling butterfly. Frozen butterfly I believe.

How I wish I can build my very own snowman. I did once at snow city in Singapore and ended up look like a monk XD 

Hoo hoo! Merry Christmas!

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