Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blog - Purest state of our Soul

Hi Blog,

Water is such an interesting element in this world. It is the most suitable representing of our pure soul. Many people think our true nature is polluted by greed, lust and desire, I won't agree with that statement because they only see themselves in certain level spiritually. 

I have been using water as an example to share how pure our soul is. Now I am conducting an experiment, I mixed mud and water together. 

Stage 1: muddy water which the water and mud (sand) mixed; strained/polluted soul. Many people believe once the water was polluted, it won't recover back to its original condition as pure water.

Stage 2: I leave the water untouched for days. (This was three days result.) the mud started to settle down. You can see the water still strain in certain way. In stage 2, this result is to show if we want to save our pure soul, we must learn to control our desire, greed and lust. In this stage, you will experience the battle between good and evil within yourself. 

Stage 3: After a week later, You can clearly see the separation of water and mud. This is the best result for untouched our own desire, greed and lust. But... Still many argued the water condition is still not in its purest condition. I agreed! This is a result where some people seeking out and cultivate for many years. I will highlight one truth, if you still live in this world (mud/sand) your soul will somehow strain in certain ways. But I want to show you this result below.

Ultimate stage: Evaporated water droplet, the purest stage of water. It won't carry any dirt or impurity when it returns to higher level of stage. Our soul is just like this water vapor. 

One more additional information about this stage, we need sunlight to purity the water to vapor stage. Human alone can't return to the purest stage of soul, need God's help to purify us, to do God will and believe in Him. 

Have a happy new year! Blog!


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