Monday, September 13, 2010


Hi blog,

Today let's talk about hobby. Some People have uncommon, unique hobby, some share the same hobby. Some do not have any hobby.

What is hobby anyways?

Personally i think that Hobby is when we usually like to spend our free time into and have interests to learn more about it's historical background to expand our knowledge. Best part of having a hobby, is that you can share and learn from another hobbier. You even strike a communication easily and make new friends who share the same hobby with us.

Then What does wikipedia has to say about hobby?

Normally it will be good to have a hobby than none, while some hobbies are healthy but some are not. I can't list down what kind of hobby is unhealthy, but generally If your hobby affects your personal life, creates family conflicts, causes social problems and make us isolation. Then it is best to change your hobby.

You know what? The more hobbies you have, the less bored you may get.

I have friends who keep complaining they are bored or nothing to do. Because they have no hobby at all! Most people prefer not to do anything. Then how to make your free time pass meaningfully??

So blog or any bloggers out there, can anyone of you share with me about your hobbies?

My hobbies are swimming, drawing, reading books, collect toy - zoids, gardening - carnivorous plants, growing triops (latest), playing games like Maplestory, playing game consoles like xbox 360 and wii, and lastly facebook-ing. I will share with you more about my hobby next time, or you may click on "hobby" tag.

Chat with you again, blog. Sorry my English is lousy... I am still learning.


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