Thursday, September 23, 2010

Triops Diary - First received Triops growing kit

Hi blog,
I just met Joseph who is the one who sells triops locally, we arranged to meet at Fernvale. He passed the kit which show below.

The kit includes:
- typed instruction of hatch eggs procedure
- a plastic tank (hatching center)
- Triops food for adult trips
- specially made Triops food for it's flies
- a bag of white fine sand
- Triops longicaudatus
- Triops bavaria
- Triops canciformis
- Triops canciformis red form
- Triops granarius

My first instruction is to fill with cool boiled water and place it under a hot bright lamp for 24 hours. Purpose is to warm the water and chemical free boiled water for hatching eggs successfully.

What?? Meaning I have to remove the tank water too?? Boil it???!!! Fainted....
I guess tomorrow will be busy over it.

Hmmm okay tomorrow will try it out. Wish me luck and will update my blog for this triops growing process. Hope mr Boon brings his lamp.

See you again, blog


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