Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blood sucking doctor

Hi blog,

Today I realized how much blood can be drained if you see some* doctor for advice. Due to my kidney stone, I need to go and see a specialist in ^#%¥€ hospital.

After showing him the x-ray and ultrasound report, he passed me a article on urinal stone aka kidney stone and want me to spend some time reading it. So I read it like as if I was about to take my oral exam.

It is an article written from that doctor about urinal stone. I learned that everyone will grow kidney stone (depend on the stone size). If we don't drink enough water, yellowish urine and our daily diet intake - too much calcium or meats which store urine acid.

What I felt uncomfortable is when he suggested that due to the big stone I have, it is really very difficult to come out on it's own, so I have to choose operation. The operation is to insert a tube into the head of my 'brother' to cut the stone into smaller pieces so I can pee it out. He has this male sex organ figure model infront of his desk, he pointed how he 'do it' and OMG!! disgusting!!

Now he starts to show his true color when I asked about the operation pricing. He claimed $5000.

What?! $5000??

Where on earth I rob for $5000?

So I asked whether I can claim from insurance, he replied this, "yes you can. You can claim after the operation is done. So you will have to pay $5000 first for the operation. If you can't pay that amount, what if your stone strike again, you will have to pay more than $5000. Or you can go for government hospital and that will take another three months to process it, cheaper for you."

What a blood sucking doctor!!!

Why don't you suck my fats then?! or Do Liposuction for me?

No money then you are on your own.

So I decided to drink a lot of water and hope I can pee the stone out myself.

Worst, he added, "even if the stone is out, you will grow it again."

Oh shut up!

I left with another pain in my wallet and mind. Please! Stone can you just come out and save my money??


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