Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Triops Diary - 2nd Day of Hatching

Hi blog,

Today is my second day of growing triops. According to the instruction, the baby triops should be hatching after 8 hours.

Hmmmm the first thing i do when I step into my computer lab, I check and count how many triops hatched? Hmmmm.....

Stressing my eyes....



Open my small eyes wider and bigger...

Something... Err...

I found it!! One.... Two... Two small white triops swimming!!!
Difficult to take a picture of it, but I manage to take a video of it.

Check this out!

In fact, some students and me thought that there will be a lot of them swimming in the plastic tank. I remembered that Joseph told me this bag of triops eggs may have stored for quite sometime already. So it may not hatch many of it. And I am prepared for this bad news already. But still I am very excited for my first try! Hoping tomorrow there are some more triops hatched.

Now the real challenge of growing triops starts now!!!

Blog, I will update you more on triops growing, stay tune.

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