Monday, September 27, 2010

Triops Diary - Setup of my Triops tank

Hi blog,
Guess what! I am just started setting up the triops tank. Thanks Mr Boon for his contribution of table lamp. Okay all set!

Step 1. Boiled water to remove chemical and germs, then fill it into the plastic tank
Step 2. Let it cool down to room temperature

Step 3. I pour in the fine sand. (*wrong!!! The sand is meant for the adult triops to lay eggs. OH! stupid me!!)

Step 4. Open up the bag of triops eggs, which looks like soil dust.

Step 5. Empty the bag into the tank. Dirty and awful? In fact this is very important food resource for baby triops after they hatched. So care less over the dust.

Step 6. stir it to spread the dust out because there are triops eggs in the dust.

Step 7. Switch on the lamp and place it as near as possible. Leave the light on for 24hours. Purpose is to encourage the growth of micro-organisms serve as a food resource for baby triops and maintain the right constant temperature for triops.

Baby triops should be hatching for the next 8 - 12 hours, since I am not around to feed after they hatch, I put in some triops baby food specially made by Joseph into the tank.

Not much, just a bit of food. It may cause leftover and kill the whole baby triops. Just a few grain of food power will do.

Let's hope tomorrow we can get something from there!


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