Friday, September 24, 2010

I act as a UGLY, FAT, SHORT, POOR and LOUSY role in my life movie.

Hi blog,

Usually I will try to look at the 'bright side' of my life, thinking of I am okay, average, whatever....
I realised, I am wrong.......

I am not okay or average. I am lousy and low rated person in my world. I suffered from laughers and mocking of what I am because I think I am okay and average.

Something like this "You are Fat and short!". "You won't be rich, your English Sucks like HELL.". "You are Petty and Stingy!". "Ugly and plain are the one words what I can describe of you.". "Childish Looked nerd!". "Don't act CUTE!".

Sigh...... When people come to me, and tell me how good I am, or WORST how good looking I am, I feel VERY UPSET and disgusted; they are not telling the truth. They always have their objectives behind those words, purposes are to please me off. They know if they said I am ugly, fat, short, poor or lousy will make me feel disappointed, but I rather they don't say anything than lying to me.

But they were trying to tell me something. Something which I always lie to myself for a long long time..... I must learn to accept the facts of what I am.



I think through all those. I decide to get rid of all those and learn to live happily with those negatives and weakness of me. Happiness is when we learn to accept our life and move on with it. Since I am the low graded, I should learn how to live in low graded life happily.

"Some people can drink a coffee at the price of $10;
while Some people can drink a coffee at the price of $0.80."

End up they got to drink coffee but different grading and tastes. So Why we have to suffer and torture ourselves for comparing with others? To upgrade ourselves to be better? Yes! If the situation is what we can control over, then we should use the righteous way to work for it. If we can't have control over, then we should waste our time to play with the big boy (those who are BEST of the BEST).

I learned no matter you are the BIG BOY or WEAKEST WIMP, everyone must learn to find the purpose of our life. And I found mine,


what is it? Sorry Secret. Who knows it? I have to be strong to fulfill my mission.

Life is just like a Movie

Each of us is assigned a role to act. Some are assigned to act as a Rich, Handsome and Tall dude, while others (example like me) are assigned to act as low grader. Since Life is a movie, then we should act our roles to the fullest with dignity and courage. Just like Mayflies, even though they only have a few hours of life, they fulfill their roles and die off. Since I am fortunate enough to realise my mission and role, then I should carry with it. May God gives me Strength and Courage to complete my journey.

But....... still..........

I am sorry if I am a PEST, Eye Sore and Lousy Wimp in your life. You may continue to mock at me, laugh at me, I hope you won't do it on others. Because others may hurt DEEPER than you take it lightly.

"I am sorry to everyone..........."


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