Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Music Video for Jeff's Month - Just The Way You Are

Hi blog,

Here is one song which my student had introduced to me. Nice song!! I like it's catchy rhythm and the vocal of this singer.

That song is "Bruno Mars - just the way you are"

I must say why I am attracted by his vocal because there was one day, I walked pass Tampines mall. I heard a song Really caught my attention! I asked my friend what is the title for that song. She replied "Nothing on you".

Then I checked YouTube for this music, it is sang by Bruno Mars. Hmmm I didn't think on it and download. I played this song in my lab again and again; I bet Mr Boon will feel irritated by my looping song. Hahah

Okay the amazing part was when I asked for newer songs to add into my music collection in my old brain storage. One posted in my facebook with this song "just the way you are". I listened and hooked!!

That vocal! That singing style!!! Simply catchy and printed onto my mind!

The video is also impressive too!! Not to say that sexy pretty girl, that beside the points. The special effect and creativity way to make an outline of that artist and objects. Well done!! 4.4/5 rating

Let's enjoy the song together!! Play!!


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