Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NEW HOBBY!! Growing Triops!!

Hi blog,
I just started my new hobby on growing triops (scientific name: triops longicadatus). What are triops? Triops are living dinosaur fossil crustaceans, date back to the Triassic period, and it looks like horseshoe crab-liked, long-tail tadpole shrimp. Wow!!

I feel tired typing such a long description.

Interesting facts about triops
- it's basic prehistoric morphology has changed little in the LAST 70 million years!!
- they are family of crustacean include crabs and lobsters.
- they have a very short lifespan of 20 to 90 days only.
- their eggs are released in batches and have a thick shell and can stand freezing temperatures as well as drought.
- they can remain dry out completely for up to 20 years!! No wonder they still out-win the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Here is a few working links on Triops.
I am happened to get so interested in this triops because of my memory of growing sea monkey which is brine shrimp. 20 years ago, I happened to see one sample of living dinosaurs displayed at the shelf, while I was holding on the toy box of sea monkey. It attracted me ever since. Now with the power of eBay!! I managed to contact a Singaporean triops seller, Joseph. He had shared with a lot of the growing experiences on triops, which I will be sharing with you in the blog soon.

Since I bought a fish tank in my office. Let's give it a chance! Here is a shot if my fish tank. On Thursday 22 Oct, I will go down to meet Joseph. Wish me luck!!

Chat again blog



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