Hi blog,
Today is my 3rd day of growing triops. I checked CAREFULLY, there are 5 ~ 6 triops swimming in the tank. Too bad I can't take any video today. I JUST CAN't GET them focus in the camera. But I can say it double its size already. VERY exciting!!!
I noticed some students got more excited than I do. :)
I believe if everything go on smoothly, by next week the triops can be seem easily. (should be at least 0.5mm) Like this videos below shown first few days of triop growth
Stay tune. :)
For this moment, I decide to put up this notice of the selling of Triops growing kit at Tampines Toys"R"us for S$19.00.
Hmmm the box seems exciting and nice. But one weird about it, is the tank.... Hmmm weird.... How come got two opening at the side? I wonder.... those who buy it, please let me know what is it.
Oh it is late, See you blog.