Monday, April 29, 2024

Blog - April Overview

Hi Blog,

One fact about me is that I love exploring new places. Perhaps, revisiting some places is also fine with me. Since I keep a private photo blog diary, snapping new photos and sharing my experiences has become my habit.

In my recent posts, I got busier and delayed many posts. Sorry to keep my royal readers waiting.
It actually takes time and effort to sort photos, edit the HTML code to arrange them into tables, draft the post, and do spelling/grammar checks; so it is not like I just post photos and treat them as a photo dump. Well... I can't stop some readers from thinking that I am just trying to seek attention. If you do, please let me know as my blog isn't for you.

As we're in April, I assume whatever you are reading this is a belated update for the month. I'll do my best to catch up.

2nd Apr 2024 - After an overeating trip and recovery from sickness, finally I got a chance to go for a slow jog to make me feel less worried about my fat gain.

4th Apr 2024 - Trisuit Theme #96
(Click here to view more)

5th Apr 2024 - In addition to jogging, swimming also helps improve my mood. Although I can't completely shake off negative feelings about myself, I know it's important to take steps to feel better.

6th Apr 2024 - Tiong Bahru Air Raid Shelter
(Click here to read more)

6th Apr 2024 - Today, I volunteered once more at the Mallow Bones Donation awareness booth. My gloves began to show wear, signalling it was time for a new pair. I took a bold step: firstly, I registered as a donor, and secondly, I still donned a Cap costume to hail a taxi there and went back on public transport without changing. It seemed no one bothered to give me a smile—perhaps I'm just a weirdo and not handsome after all. Haha!

8th Apr 2024 - Today, I had several manual tasks to complete. While I don't mind getting my hands dirty, doing so in office attire is less than ideal. Sometimes, I find myself reminiscing about my army days when coveralls were the norm. (thanks copilot for helping with my English)

8th Apr 2024 - Rare occasion to have EK want to jog with me, but from the pace, I should not have brought him to Macritchie. I believe it will be his first and last jog with me. Haha... Too stressful and high level for anyone who has not jogged for a while.

10th Apr 2024 - I mentioned that jogging and swimming will soothe my mind; hiking is also one of them. Today I went on revenge mode for two hikes in the morning with BP and in the afternoon with Mr I. Thanks for snapping pictures. After the second hike, my feet were killing me... Those weren't the right shoes to wear for a hike...

12th Apr 2024 - The portrayal of fitness and health in media often reflects idealized standards that may not align with the everyday realities of most people... Yes, I know I got fatter now... if I invested my time and money into it, to smooch my low self-esteem and feed my ego, I can be one too. Not just one comment from anyone". It is all about time management or whatever you want it or not." I feel overwhelmed by the often unattainable standards of health and fitness portrayed in the media. It's essential to remember that true well-being is unique to each individual and encompasses a range of practices that contribute to one's physical, mental, and emotional health. Embracing diversity in lifestyles and recognizing the value of various forms of self-care can foster a more inclusive and realistic perspective on health and fitness.

13th Apr 2024 - Oh my, it's already the second week of the month... I hadn't finished my March late posts. So I spent the whole Saturday drafting as much as I could...

14th Apr 2024 - Ended up I had yet finished my blog, and was asked to step out to buy two big goldfishes with my mother. There was some not enough oxygen situation... Oh my! I tried to save it and many casualties but luckily, the two expensive goldfish survived for a few days when I started typing this. Thanks goodness.

16th Apr 2024 - Time to sort up all the cables! Hmm... Is there enough to tie a person up? Yes, it's enough because I got so tied up with work...

19th Apr 2024 - I did something forbidden. I visited my friend's condo to pick up an item, and upon leaving, the sight of the swimming pool irresistibly caught my attention, much to sore the eyes of the residents. 🎼Oops, I did it again!🎼

20th Apr 2024 - JB Swimcation
(Click here to read more)

22nd Apr 2024 - I realized that I rarely wear my orange suit, so I chose to wear it for jogging and began to appreciate its uniqueness. But I will wear it for jogging and badminton (even though many people find me weird and judgy...), rather than for hiking.

23rd Apr 2024 - Today, I had to run an errand in a nearby town, but I also wanted to jog. So, I decided to multitask—accomplish a leisurely jog, catch up with my friend HZ, and complete the errand for my mother. An evening well spent!

25th Apr 2024 - Speaking of time well spent, I will never let my pocket time between after work and the next program go to waste. If I can swim, then I will. Glad to spot a few interesting animals like otters sunbathing and beautiful birds chirping. And stained other people's eyes for being meh.

26th Apr 2024 - Friday is usually my swimming date after work. It's the best time to spend, especially when there are fewer crowds. As I reflect on my swimming timing, I realize that I've spent too much time trying to complete my swimming-themed shots. Perhaps I should stop such nonsense and spend more time actually swimming. I will end once I have completed my current collected themes.

27th Apr 2024 - I had a long day today... Speaking of well spent, today was a good one. In the morning, I went for a short hike with Elmo. In the afternoon, I helped with a voluntary program at IMH (which you can read up on here). I had a dinner appointment in the evening and then killed some time at Decathlon before playing night badminton. So tired...

27th Apr 2024 - Avenger Quantum Suit Cosplay
(Click here to read more)

29th Apr 2024 - Today, Mr. I wanted to go for a jog with me. I just randomly grabbed whatever was on top of my trisuit and wore it again. It was a short jog, and at least he could follow through. Respect. Not much sweat, but at least I did something. I was attempting to strike a powerful pose for my trisuit theme, only to realise I already had it. Next month, I'll unveil the finished version.

Finally, I got to finish my March Taiwan posts and was able to keep my blog up to date. I experienced joy when, despite not posting anything, several readers reached out to enquire about my well-being. I find this type of interaction more enjoyable than chasing views (even though I don't have many) or other things.


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