Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Blog - January Overview

Happy 2024 Blog and exclusive readers

Thanks for supporting and liking my humble blog, 2023 was a happening year, there were bad and good moments especially my emotions and people who turned colder... but never mind, it was nothing new and if that is how he/she wants to be, I will respect that.

While looking back all the promises that person had made and I allowed it to happen, is totally my own fault. Blame no one than myself for giving that seat in my heart to them.
Anyway, time to move on and continue to improve on making myself less boring perhaps.

1st Jan 2024 - Trisuit Theme #91
(Click here to read more)

2nd Jan 2024 - Finally, I got a chance to jog after the rain stopped for the day. Muddy ground and slow jogging but at least something which I am glad that I was able to do - wore myself so I won't think much.

3rd Jan 2024 - I went for a vaccination yesterday and the doctor reminded me not to do strenuous workouts for two weeks... I am not a good boy, despite having a painful left arm... I still went for a slow swim because... The weather was good and I got to leave my workplace early too. Oh yeah, I also started to replace a new phone - the Honor Magic 5 Pro. The last picture for this post was taken by Honor. The brightness and blurriness are so amazing, don't you think? I will make a blog tag for Honor :)

4th Jan 2024 - Swimming Theme #3
(Click here to read more)

5th Jan 2024 - My arm got better now. Don't need to wait for two weeks. I am all ready to swim. Wearing red to celebrate that I got my 4th jab and trying out my new phone too! 😂 I guess, I will make it as a theme. Haha... Love the "Baywatch" vibe. Oops... I felt so old school.

6th Jan 2024 - Kangkar Pulai Blue Lake
(Click here to read more)

8th Jan 2024 - Wonderful weather today! It had been raining the whole day yesterday, so when I could go for a short swim, I found that a blessing. I realised... I have been swimming quite regularly; perhaps it matches what I mentioned to anyone before - if I have a swimming pool under my house, I will swim every day because it is free.

10th Jan 2024 - I was trying to draft my Bluelake post and waiting for Na to send me the last few pictures so that I can continue my drafting and alignment for the long post. Finally... after a long wait... he sent the pictures! Time to start drafting!

11th Jan 2024 - I changed to another swimming pool because I got a meeting nearby. It was great to change of swimming environment but definitely not for an untoned swimmer like me to swim too often... There are many good-looking and great swimmers here, I was a snail here, I'd better leave this place soon.

12th Jan 2024 - Oh! I had to share the joy of being the first person to swim! As it was raining throughout the day, right after I stepped out from my workplace... I noticed there was no lighting or heavy storm, but still raining... I also didn't see any lighting signal which meant... even though it was raining, I could still swim! When I arrived there, no swimmer around (to judge me for being a slow swimmer) so I became the only swimmer in the rain! I took my own sweet time to snap pictures! Hahaha! After the swim, the rain started to get heavier. Thanked Heaven for allowing me for a quick swim.

14th Jan 2024 - Not all swimming matches my ideal swimming experience like today, it was filled with kids and you can't do much at all!!! I just soaked in the water, chit chit-chatted with my swimming buddy.

13th Jan 2024 - It's great to be invited to have a vegetarian BBQ session. From What I had observed... At the BBQ, there are a few types of people: The One ☝: will help to prepare food and help to cook for the rest. Influencer💎: will help entertain, start a game, and engage in group conversations. Sotong 🐙 (a new English word registered under the dictionary 😂): I am in this category. Basically, stand around, don't know what to do besides eating; want to interact with others but don't know how to start. Giver 👐: you can find them around food, they will help distribute food to the people around. Gobbler 🐮: you will also find them around food, waiting for their favourite food to be cooked by The One and they love food a lot. They are also the ones who help to clear the unfinished. Respect them. Lastly, Loner 👤: always alone and mingling with selected individuals.

15th Jan 2024 - I didn't realise Monday I had a meeting, luckily, I always bring my swimming trunks with me and what beautiful weather to swim. The best part is zero crowd! Why was there no swimmer?

16th Jan 2024 - My new hobby started and it is isopod (small community in SG). I just got myself a small enclosure with leaves and wood (which I purchased from an isopod hobbyist, she helped to set up for me). After browsing through a website that has beautiful photos of many different types of isopods here, and compare price from prices for these small critters (you can't imagine the price for the beauty can skyrocket) I decided on one species of isopods, Jupiter because it is cute and resemble one of the costly ones. My isopods post will be a regular one because they hide and nothing much unless I expand my totally impossible collection.

17th Jan 2024 - Yes! I could go for a slow jog today! Wearing my black trisuit and realised that there was an issue with the zipper of this suit... Oh no... Similar to my blue trisuit, I guess I will find an alteration service after the Chinese New Year. Thanks, Uncle E for giving me a pair of new shoes, I love the glow-in-dark effect, reminded me of my favourite ex-shoes.

18th Jan 2024 - Trisuit Theme #92
(Click here to read more)

20th Jan 2024 - To inject 💉 dopamine into my blood, I went all out for a plant shopping spree within a day. Stef accompanied me to Gardener's Day Out at HortPark to get a small nepenthes to replace the dead one and a moss pole for my philodendron maximum, followed by two carousel collections for costly Platycerium, 

21st Jan 2024 - It was a Sunday so... MR SUN woke me up with a BRIGHT SHINE! I decided to take my waifu for a ride and read a book. It's great to spend a morning reading. Kind of missed reading...

22nd Jan 2024 - Today I decided to change my shade net to a new one. I thought I would be doing this by myself, but it will be tough and risk falling out from my block. Halfway through, my mother stepped out to assist me and at the same time, my neighbour S also just came back for the rescue which made it possible! Thank you to my mother and S.

23rd Jan 2024 - XY came back to Singapore with his family to settle the last document so WJ decided to have a farewell dinner. For XY, thank you for being there to accompany me on many journeys for 13 years (he mentioned it while having dinner as he came back from army service until now) it was a good 13 years. I know he can't get a girlfriend locally, hope he can find one in Brazil. I don't have one myself and I wish whatever remaining luck for me to get one can transfer to him. I am expiring so no girl will like me... Farewell and Jia you 💪🏼 XY

25th Jan 2024 - I thought I could have my hair cut before the barber increased their price which is usually 50-65% higher but ended up... I had to pay for that increase. Well, I agreed to once a year, let the barber earn more during the festive break. As for me, the same old boring me with the same old hairstyle.

26th Jan 2024 - Looking back at my January post, swimming is more than 50%. Should I have a separate post just to focus on my swim? Having my swimming posts as part of my daily update for my monthly overview matches. Anyway back to today's thought... I suffered from constipation... I have had zero output for more than three days... My tummy was bloated and feeling full... I hope I can get better soon.

27th Jan 2024 - Staff Bonding to JB
(Click here to read more)

30th Jan 2024 - Today was such good weather, meaning I could go for a good slow jog. As I jogged, I could not stop thinking of the future. How long will I be jogging? There will be a time when I might stop jogging in a trisuit entirely. I just treasure the moment and make sure it lasts.

31st Jan 2024 - Oh! My! I didn't know that I had already captured images for this theme and I repeated. So perhaps it can be a sneak preview of what I have been preparing for my upcoming trunk theme. Anyway, besides white, I also love red. It's such a powerful and vibrant colour that always catches my eye. Red is also the colour of leadership, and I aspire to be a leader in a team. When I wear red, I am just tasting the feeling of being confident, to having people to respect and look upon. Red is not just a colour, it's a statement.

What a long overview monthly post ever...


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