Thursday, January 4, 2024

Personal - Swimming Theme #3

Hi Blog,

Yes! My #3 swimming trunk series! Usually, at this point, I will insert adjectives like "disgusting", "eyes-sore", or "untoned" to describe the things that I am sharing. This time I decided... Let's make a change for myself!

Standing in front of a mirror and embracing who I am, especially during those days when I snapped a picture of myself...
Because I know that compared to demi gods, I know that I can never appear as "desirable" as them but I should be comparing myself now and then; as it is the best version of me of that time. One day, I will grow old and get worse... At least, I tried to maintain my fitness such as swimming, Jogging, hiking etc and maintain my emotions to a neutral level. Anyway, I shall stop here and time to present myself (usually this part is where I will put nasty words to myself) in front of the mirror.

Raising my arm up in front of the mirror is because I went for a 10 IPL sessions and happy over the result! I will make a post about it, so prepare to be disgusted by the sight of unsightly underpit.


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