Monday, January 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #91

Happy 2024 Blog,

I thought I could have a proper long post to start a year but it seemed like I couldn't. Anyway, I reflected on how I started my blog and how it became today (as it is 2024, who will know how it becomes in future).

In the beginning, I just wrote my blog with random nonsense and stories... Then also wanted to practice my quick sketching but somehow took a bit of my time. And slowly, I wanted my blog to be my memory lane, especially with photos and my thoughts.
Here is what you see now. It becomes a cyberspace for my personal sharing and self-reflection, and a space where I have readers who appreciate and are supportive. Thank you everyone.

Honestly, blogging took me a while to heal myself. I believe if I don't blog my journey and thoughts... I won't be able to self-motivate and improve myself that much.

Since this is my trisuit theme for like #91 series. It is 91 already! I can't expect my body will be like those demi gods' perfect bodies as we have different commitment levels in life; maintaining and ensuring my health with trisuit can give me a great push to ensure that I did well (not great but still acceptable).


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