Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Personal - Suits for the Theme #88

Hi Blog,

Have not been jogging for quite a while now... I feel so lousy thinking of it...

Was it due to my own emotions affecting my motivation and determination?
Well, I can't deny it and I won't want to point fingers... I will just take the fault onto myself... Don't carry demigods' genes... Don't have enough wealth to subscribe to the church of gym... Lousy and flawed personality... Don't ever have the confidence to gym in front of fit gods...

All I did, was snap some stupid pictures of myself, trying to push some motivation. In the end, I am just trying to build a sculpture with shxt which doesn't stick as well as the clay that others have without any problem...

Alright... Enough self-abusing... Honestly, I wanted to write positively but I know if I do, I am just pretending and that negativity will be stuck in my mind somewhere... Typing them out; at least makes me feel that you (my blog) are listening and trying to understand me... 

Thanks, blog for allowing me to be myself. Thank you so much 🤗


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