Thursday, August 31, 2023

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

I was thinking through... I shared my "discounted" hiking-only experience on another public blog here. What do I mean by "discounted"? What it means is my hiking posts with lesser-me content. I am still figuring out what to do with my 2nd public blog.

Having a public blog and a private blog will balance whatever ideal I had for my blog initially.
Anyway, my August blog post should be prepared slowly and handled with ease... Since my blog has become private... How do my readers feel towards it?

1st Aug 2023 - I wonder... Won't my readers feel bored towards my blog? Everything is the same. I jog, swim and hike... Nothing special. Still the same fat and ugly me... Like every month and every post are the same. What is the magic anyway?

2nd Aug 2023 - In my July Overview, I talked about my favourite colours - White, Red and Blue. Why do I wear Grey? It is because of Fifty Shades of Grey! No, man! The actual reason is my conservation approach towards others. Since others will go for black as the mainstream colour, grey is a compromise colour between what I love and others.

3rd Aug 2023 - Speaking of colour, I just got myself a pair of new nerdy specs. Yes, it is black in colour because I doubt others will be comfortable with white specs which I tried before. I will only wear these specs to my workplace rather than hiking. Hope you will like my new specs.

4th Aug 2023 - I mentioned my favourite colour. While White is my internal, Blue is my external and Red is my heart. Blue is really a nice colour which matches the swimming pool water colour. Anyway, back to my life, I was glad to have a short swim then...

4th Aug 2023 - ...catching up with my childhood friends. around 30 years plus of friendship is not easy. Everyone was married except me... but thanks bros for still trying to hang out with me.

6th Aug 2023 - Yishun Forest
(Click here to read more)

7th Aug 2023 - Trisuit Theme #82
(Click here to read more)

8th Aug 2023 - Ah yes! I have one trunk in all three colours! 😆I doubt I will buy a trunk with a Captain America print... It is definitely not as nice as this one.

9th Aug 2023 - National Day! I thought I could go for a hike, but I had some errands and a meeting. I managed to squeeze a pocket time to go for a short swim. Yes! To be patriotic, I wore red to show my love for my country.

10th Aug 2023 - Swimming Theme #2
(Click here to read more)

13th Aug 2023 - Although... I felt so sleepy... But I had promised Jel to bring him to explore some hiking sites. So we went for something simple and I didn't snap any photos. Don't want to make him awkward, but it was nice to visit these places again.

14th Aug 2023 - Trisuit theme #83
(Click here to read more)

15th Aug 2023 - After working for a while, I really appreciated that my reporting officer AZ would give us a treat and have a simple mini-birthday celebration.

16th Aug 2023 - Did this filter work well on me? Anyway, today was the only day when I could go for a short jog. Since it stopped raining, I pushed myself for a slow jog.

17th Aug 2023 - Today I went for a quick swim and was glad there was no swimmer around. Perfect for me to snap a bit in this trunk. But seriously... I swam for a while because time was short and the crowd started to come. My trunk was not suitable and I won't wear this again for public pool anymore.

18th Aug 2023 - Today's weather seemed gloomy but it's Friday and no more weather signal, so personally, swimming will be inevitable. What else can this nerd do? Have a hot date? Anyway, after a short swim, I had to go straight to the bus station to take a bus to Ipoh for the weekend with EK for some visits.

19th Aug 2023 - Where were we heading to? Yes, we decided to visit our Ipoh friends over the weekend. Ek managed to book a beautiful hotel which we don't get to stay in for long. Next time, we should just go for a cheaper option. I didn't snap many pictures because I just wanted to stay focused on our objective to connect with them and hope to encourage them to face their daily challenges. Too bad, distance restrictions limited how much we can do here. But thanked my Ipoh friends for bringing us around for breakfast, lunch, house visits, supper and even to the airport. Sorry for the trouble but thank you SM and ZN.

22nd Aug 2023 - I had been swimming and snapped many pictures here too often until I didn't have any good idea to snap photos already. Similar situation for my jogging too. Maybe I will snap less in future to stop being an eyesore.

25th Aug 2023 - Honestly, I have enough trunks already. Just like my trisuit, I had stopped purchasing any newer trisuit and it is time for me to stop my trunk purchasing. I just wanted to get one which I like to see fit in me. I love the brand and cutting suitable for Asian guys especially shorties like me. Today will be my determination date to stop purchasing and time to look into my other purchasing poisons.

26th Aug 2023 - I was supposed to take my waifu out on my Saturday morning but ZN impromptu asked me for a short hike so had to change of plan and I did not snap many pictures during the hike.

26th Aug 2023 - Finally, managed to get to meet and catch up with my army friends. It started to get difficult to set a date to meet them as they were married and busy with their daily lives... I just found that... it was rather difficult to find a common topic to talk about... unlike last time... everyone just kind of difficult to warm up... I thought... if everyone learned to open up and speak up than reserving... would be a great way to improve relationships/friendships... Oh well, even though, I am an introvert in nature, I have to speak up to keep the whole conversation moving... I can't expect anyone to do so... I can only hope others will do so...

29th Aug 2023 - Today was the Teachers' Day celebration, and due to some feedback about wanting more prizes and less hassle for everyone, the school decided to celebrate In-house with activities and a theme. Today's theme was Kumpung, I guessed... I will dress up as a Kopi boy. Surprisingly, I won something for my dressing and activity scores. Even though my gifts from students were lesser as compared to last time, I appreciated that I am still getting it.

31st Aug 2023 - Tampines Quarry
(Click here to read more)

31st Aug 2023 - What a nice swim after a sweaty hike. My legs were so sore but refreshing when contact with water. What a long day to end my August...

Looking back my August activities, it looked like I swam often but not intense enough... Hope I wish I can start my swimming or even to gym (if possible) activities at my younger age when I had lesser duties and responsibilities... Oh well... To be less critical towards myself and to be honest, when I was younger, I had more things to overcome like inferior complexity and low financial matter... I already found hard to socialize or even workout in front of the gods, and even had enough money to subscribe my faith in Church of Gym.


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